Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bump Bump with Fries

Well we just spent a week in Kelowna recently. Lots of playing in the pool, at the beach etc. Lil A had a great time. He loves the water. As we were turning down the road towards our place we had to pass by McDonald's. Well as we were doing this from the back seat we could hear Lil A shouting "bump bump with fries, bump bump with fries". Apparently that is his name for McDonald's. We aren't too sure if it's because of the shape of the Golden Arches or if it's because of their commercials with the ba da da da da I'm lovin it song. He does love the fries though!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Toilet paper

While I was busy feeding my 4 month old this morning Lil A had a runny nose. He desperately wanted a kleenex but I was a tad preoccupied to be able to get one for him. I told him to go get toilet paper because I knew he could reach it and he had got his own before. Just imagine me trying to hold back laughter when he came back in the room with a wad of toilet paper twice the size of his head!

Almost 2 1/2 years gone by

Well I thought after almost two and half years of lil A being around that maybe some of my crazy days with him should be written down to be marked in history. I typically have something insane happen with him every day. He's my strong willed 2 year old...or maybe every two year old is strong willed. In the past two and almost a half years I have been through countless temper tantrums, eardrum bursting screaming and singing, hilarious comedic acts etc. etc. You get the point. Well here it goes...