Saturday, December 16, 2006


I was thinking today about how 10 years makes a difference. Aaron got a bike last weekend for our early Christmas. Today he wanted to learn how to ride it. So we got him all dressed up to go out, including his new helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. He lasted about 5 mins "learning" how to pedal. Really I just crouched down behind him and peddled for him. He thought it was just too hard so he gave up for the day. But after this I decided we would go for a walk since we were all already bundled up. This is where the 10 years comes in. Aaron thought it would be pretty cool if he could go for a walk with all his safety equipment on too. I convinced him that this stuff was for biking but inside I couldn't help laugh. If he was just 10 years older he would have thought wearing all that equipment was very uncool. So now I am thinking about the other things that seem cool to a 3 year old. How about loud T shirts or shoes that scream "Thomas" or "Dora". Hanging out with grandparents. Wearing a floaty body suit to go swimming or using an inflatable crab. Well at least as parents we are still "cool" to them! I'm sure it will be less than 10 years before that changes.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jason sent me the link to

The Ms Dewey character will comment on your searches, some of them can be funny like if you search 'birth control'.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006

Frog Ahhhh

Ok so I go downstairs tonight to do some laundry and a scene right out of a horror story happens. I hear this really strange noise at the back door. My husband is out, I've just put the kids to I quickly lock the door just in case some wacko is trying to get in. Then I race to the front door and lock it too. Now it's time to call the dog, the guard dog, the yappy little american cocker spaniel! So after listening to the noise for a bit it stopped. I thought since the dog was here it was safe to open the back door now. Did I mention it's still daylight out. Yep, no one there, or at the front door or anywhere else for that matter but when I looked around the laundry room a little more all of a sudden something startles me. It's a frog, or toad I don't really know, I just didn't want it on me. So my mission for the next hour was trying to catch this darn frog without it getting anywhere near me. I tried to catch it where I originally found it but then it hopped across the room and right under my washing machine. I tried everything, the dustbuster, a long bendy stick, banging the washer, the flashlight, nothing worked so I decided maybe I would leave it for a it didn't think I was there anymore. So about 20 mins later I go back downstairs and check around the washing machine again and nothing. So I head down the hall to the bathroom to turn off the light I left on and what is sitting peacefully by the open bathroom door but the darn frog. This time I was able to corner it in the closet. It was stealth, hiding under the vacuum hose, and the closet doors but I would prevail. I did lose it for a couple of minutes I will admit only to find it at the bottom of my kids sand pail I had so cleverly put on its side to entice the frog in. Then I covered the top and off to the back yard the darn frog went to freedom. Now I can't help wondering if it was really just one frog!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Did ya miss me?

Finally! After reading a couple of friend's blogs lately, I have decided I should give it another go. So after trying to remember my login and password I have made it here. So what's new??? A lot! But I will start with today.
So my amazing hubby decided to give me a little break today. I wanted to go to an aerobics class so he stayed home from work for a while and hung out with the kids so I could make it. I was laughing because he had these ambitious plans to go to 2 different stores and get the kids haircuts in the space of about an hour and a half. I guess however that I have forgotten that he is a guy, and that while that would take me about 3 hours to accomplish he is on a mission and it would be accomplished. And accomplish he did...even without the diaper bag, which is the funniest part of this all. When I got home from aerobics I had a little chuckle when I saw the loaded diaper bag sitting on the entrance floor...diapers, wipes, sippy cups and all. Way to go dear!

Monday, February 27, 2006


It's Eric guest blogging. I will write more later.