Thursday, July 27, 2006

Did ya miss me?

Finally! After reading a couple of friend's blogs lately, I have decided I should give it another go. So after trying to remember my login and password I have made it here. So what's new??? A lot! But I will start with today.
So my amazing hubby decided to give me a little break today. I wanted to go to an aerobics class so he stayed home from work for a while and hung out with the kids so I could make it. I was laughing because he had these ambitious plans to go to 2 different stores and get the kids haircuts in the space of about an hour and a half. I guess however that I have forgotten that he is a guy, and that while that would take me about 3 hours to accomplish he is on a mission and it would be accomplished. And accomplish he did...even without the diaper bag, which is the funniest part of this all. When I got home from aerobics I had a little chuckle when I saw the loaded diaper bag sitting on the entrance floor...diapers, wipes, sippy cups and all. Way to go dear!