Saturday, December 16, 2006


I was thinking today about how 10 years makes a difference. Aaron got a bike last weekend for our early Christmas. Today he wanted to learn how to ride it. So we got him all dressed up to go out, including his new helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. He lasted about 5 mins "learning" how to pedal. Really I just crouched down behind him and peddled for him. He thought it was just too hard so he gave up for the day. But after this I decided we would go for a walk since we were all already bundled up. This is where the 10 years comes in. Aaron thought it would be pretty cool if he could go for a walk with all his safety equipment on too. I convinced him that this stuff was for biking but inside I couldn't help laugh. If he was just 10 years older he would have thought wearing all that equipment was very uncool. So now I am thinking about the other things that seem cool to a 3 year old. How about loud T shirts or shoes that scream "Thomas" or "Dora". Hanging out with grandparents. Wearing a floaty body suit to go swimming or using an inflatable crab. Well at least as parents we are still "cool" to them! I'm sure it will be less than 10 years before that changes.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jason sent me the link to

The Ms Dewey character will comment on your searches, some of them can be funny like if you search 'birth control'.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006