Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hit the Cow!

One of the memorable stories from our recent Mexico trip was when Ray and I(Eric) were looking after the kids in the hotel room. We were in the other room when we heard Madi crying so we went in to see Madi there and Aaron sheepishly looking on. Ray asked Madi why she was crying and she said 'Aaron hit me!', so we inquired to Aaron as to why he hit Madi, and he replied 'Because she was a cow!'. That is kind of funny in itself. Madi was indeed pretending to be a cow and Aaron hit the cow. We had quite a chuckle about this. We are not sure why Aaron felt that cows need to be hit, maybe it was something he learned on the farm. Anyway it was quite a humorous moment that is sure to be brought up again.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The '500' put to use

Thanks to Jamie and Sara I got a waterproof bag for my Canon point and shoot camera. The bag model number is WP-500, so it was affecionately called the '500' We took this with us to Puerto Vallarta and had fun trying to take interesting pictures and also some video. This video is me experimenting going above and below water. I look forward to using this more in the summer.