Friday, May 25, 2007

Music-related videos

Here are some recent music-related videos of the kids.

Earlier this month we were visiting some friends and on the way home Ballroom Blitz came on the radio...

Have you seen Sammy Stevens and his Flea Market Montgomery video?
Basically all of us have been singing this lately especially the 'it's just like, it's just a mini...mall!' part.

Here are Aaron and Kyle singing it, the first take didn't go so well....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Love my Belly: Part Deux

A few weeks ago Shelby blogged Love My Belly, here is the continuation of that post.

I drew a happy face on their bellies and they were very happy to show it off.

Kyle belly smile

Kyle belly smile closeup

Belly faces

Shelby is responsible for these pictures....

kyle belly

kyle belly2

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Catching up

Trying to keep up on the blog...
Last Wedenday Aaron's preschool went to the firehall. I accompanied Aaron as he learned the basics of fire safety. They learned about diiferent dangers around the house and acted out a pretend fire, first they were firefighters and then the were the family in the burning house.
They also got to witness a firefighter in full gear and check out the fire trucks.

At the firehall

In the fire truck

WIth the firetruck

Shelby has started jogging a few times a week and sometimes we have joined her to hang out and the playground nearby.

A and K playground

Kyle in the tube

Here is Aaron on a trail near the playground.

Aaron in the trees

On Monday we went to the Fort Langley parade, last year we were in the parade and this year we watched. Our Noise friends were there as well as other friends.

Here are the kids in the street waiting for the parade to start.

Are they part of the parade?

Good buds!
Aaron and Aidan at the parade

Crazy kids!
Kyle and Aaron at the parade

Later that afternoon we had a BBQ at our house. There was some great food and we played bocce and volleyball. Aaron got to entertain baby Carter and Carter thought Aaron was hilarious, pretty cute actually.

Aaron pulling Carter

Aaron entertaining Carter

Today Aaron decided to dress up in his construction outfit, which isn't that unusual, but today he added eggmuffs. Not quite sure if they suit him?

Aaron's hard hat , hammer and egg muffs

Kyle's pretend eggmuffs
Kyle's pretend eggmuffs

Nice face Aaron!
Do you know how silly you look Aaron?

I have more to update but I'll try to add it tomorrow. Stay tuned...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day recap

For Mother's Day we decided we would skip church and spend the day out as a family. The weather was cloudy and a little cold, but at least it wasn't raining. We went out to Mud Bay for a walk along the trail near the beach. It was a bit windy down there, so the kids we bundled in their winter jackets, so it may look a little colder than it actually was.

Aaron got to see the Amtrak train quite close up, which he enjoyed, but would not be the last train he would see that day...

mud bay train

We brought the stroller with us and Kyle rode in that a lot, but he also wanted to walk and this picture is Kyle running. We also found a geocache on the walk and there was a whistle in the cache. I gave it to Kyle and he quite enjoyed blowing it as loud as he could. The whistle may be 'accidentally' missing now...

kyle mud bay

This was my attempt at a creative photo on our walk.

mud bay -black and white

After our walk we went to Art Knapp's(yes the plant store) in South Surrey and they also have a large model train collection with trains of all sizes. They even have a ride on train in which you can take a tour of Art Knapp in. I think it's better than it sounds, anyway the kids enjoyed it.

shelby and aaron on the train

This is an attempt a a mothers day shot, getting everyone to smile and look at the camera wasn't easy.

Shelby and the kids on the train

Aaron and Kyle watching the outdoor trains...

outdoor train

and playing with the Thomas the train collection inside.

aaron and kyle playing with the trains

This was my last attempt at a mother's day picture at home. Aaron is holding his mother's day present for Shelby. He made her a little pot with some sort of paper flowers and an umbrella in it. Something only a mother could love?

Shelby with the kids at home

Question: Are husband's supposed to get their wives mother's day presents?
I opted for the safe answer and ordered her something online, but it hadn't arrived on time, it is still coming though. So my backup plan was to get her a Starbuck's card(always a good option for Shelby) and made her a shirt with the kids picture on it(you can kind of see it behind Aaron and Kyle), it says "We love our mom" and it's true.

Monday, May 07, 2007

A day in pictures

The photo website Flickr had a 24 hours of Flickr on Saturday May 5. Basically you take a bunch of pictures that day and decide on 1 to sum up your day.
I thought that would be a fun thing to do, so we tried to have some fun outings with the family.

In the morning we went out to White Rock, the weather was a little overcast, but the sun popped out every once in a while. We brought the kite with us and headed to the beach.

kite flying

running on the beach

Aaron and Kyle both loved running through the puddles, good thing for rubber boots and waterprook pants.

at the beach

alone at the pier

Kyle is not as alone as he seems:-)

drinking juice

mmm juice

Time for snack.

snack time

We also walked around the town a bit and then headed home for lunch and nap time.

In the afternoon we headed down to Fort Langley to check out the town and I took the kids to see the caboose, which they enjoyed.


what you looking at

And hanging around the tracks as well.

Then after we met up with some friends from church at Derby Reach park.
We had a nice dinner grilled over the campstove and hung out for a while.
The kids enjoyed running around the park and throwing rocks in the river.

throwing rocks

I had an enjoyable Cinqo de Mayo and I think the kids were for the most part well behaved.
I was able to take about 90 pictures that day and it was hard to choose 1 picture to sum up my day, but ultimately I chose this one. Good times.

kite flying at white rock

If you want to see what other people submitted to Flickr as their picture of the day you can click here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Love my Belly

I was paying for my purchases at a store yesterday and heard a bit of giggling behind me. So I looked over to see a little girl kind of hiding behind her mom laughing in embarrassment. She was looking in the direction of Kyle. When I looked over at Kyle he was standing there smiling, lifting up his shirt to show off his big belly. It was quite funny.
Love my belly!