Monday, August 27, 2007

Camping and a Spontaneous Road Trip

So as the summer is slowly winding down and only a few weekends left, we had told Aaron that we would go camping this year(not that Aaron knew what camping really meant.) Last Monday we looked into finding a camping spot for the weekend. Most of the local camping spots were booked, so we looked into Washington State. Most were booked as well but, I was able to get a spot for Thursday and Friday night at Ebey State Park on Whidbey Island. I was kind of hoping that maybe while we were there camping a spot might open up for us Saturday night. With a camping spot now booked we had about 2 days to get ready for camping. We pulled out all the camping stuff we had and found old newspapers inside dated 2002, the last time we went camping. We took inventory of what we had and didn't have. Shelby did most of the packing and organizing, which was very helpful.

So on Thursday morning we packed up the Volvo including our roof rack storage. We had every nook and cranny stuffed with camping stuff, along with our kids and dog. I thought I carefully squeezed everything in until we realized we forgot our container of dry food. So we then decided to take our minivan. We didn't want to take the van because we are trying to sell it, and generally prefer driving the Volvo. In the end we were glad to have taken the van rather than squeezing everything into the Volvo all the time. I took out the back seats in the van and put the boys side by side in the second row, this was very inviting for each of them to provoke one another. With everything loaded and even some extra room (as we could even see out the back window), we headed to the border.
The border wait wasn't too painful, about a half hour, but then I need to go in. The guy typed something on the computer about me and then finally let us go.

We had lunch in Lynden, picked up a package that Shelby ordered and then took a drive down Chuckanut Drive. We stopped at Larrabee State park and kids played on the playground. I went down to the beach and took a few pictures, such as the one below.


Once we made it to Whidbey Island we stopped in Oak Harbor. Shelby did some grocery shopping and I took the kids and Keisha to a park nearby.


We finally arrived at Ebey State Park around 4pm and started to set up camp. The kids tried to help out as well, which made things go so much easier for us;-)


Here are the boys enjoying the camping life.




Camping went fairly well considering all the work to prepare for camping and the work while you are camping as well. Aaron was careful not to get himself too dirty while Kyle seemed to be in his element. The first night of sleeping or lack of sleep was kind of rough for Shelby and I. Shelby took a while to sleep and was cold in an old sleeping bag we had. Then there was a crying baby a few campsites away from about3-5am. That kept me awake as well as what sounded like rain hitting our tent. The boys managed to sleep through it all. At 6:40 Aaron woke up and I told him he had to be quiet till 7-0-0. At 6:57 Kyle awoke and seemed to be set off right away as he screamed blue murder for 5-10 minutes. Can you say morning wake up call for those around us?

After Kyle settled down Shelby made a nice pancake and bacon breakfast. The rain we heard we was an extremely heavy marine mist and every time there was a little wind it blew dew off the trees onto our tent and campsite, if you were out in the open you stayed dry.
After breakfast we went to Fort Casey and to the beach there. In the afternoon while Kyle was napping Aaron and I went back to Oak Harbor to get a better sleeping bag for Shelby. When we got back the kids went to a Jr. Ranger program. Basically it is kids games and learning a bit about Fort Ebey and what park rangers do. We got to go on a scavenger hunt looking for different plants, insects and other natural things in the area as well. A lot of it was a little above their level, but they seemed to enjoy it none the less.

Later Aaron and Kyle got to try cooking wieners over the fire and marshmallows as well. I think in the end Aaron enjoyed non-cooked marshmallows better though. I purposely burnt a marshmallow for Aaron, which he did not find interesting at all, until I pulled off the burnt layer and he would eat the rest.
The bathroom was at least a minute away if not more. I don't know how many times Aaron had to go to the bathroom, but we made the trip many times!
The second night we all slept better. Kyle even woke up better, but something set him off again and had another freak out. Good morning everyone!


Ebey State Park is known for their high bluffs with the ocean way below. There is a nice trail atop the bluffs which we liked to walk along.



Here is the view from the bluffs at night.


On Friday we took a trip to Fort Casey nearby. I was trying explain to Aaron what these big guns were for. He didn't quite get that these we 60 years old and no longer in use.
Later at the Jr. Ranger program, one of the things they were asked was 'what does a forest ranger do?' some other kids gave good answers and Aaron pipes up 'If bad ships come they shoot the bad guy!' Where did he get that from?


Walking around Fort Casey is not very kid-proof as Kyle came close to falling a 15 foot concrete enbankment nearby, kind of gave us both a bit of a scare. I think it was shortly after this picture was taken.


This is the beach by Fory Casey. Are you happy boys?


It's hard to sum up our camping trip as it was a bit of everything. I think overall it was a good experience. Shelby especially did a lot of work planning as soon as we figured out we were actually going and even during camping did all the cooking, Thanks dear! I am sure if she was writing this, she would have her own thoughts on everything. I think we would go again next year sometime though. I think Kyle enjoyed the experience more than Aaron, but Aaron says he enjoyed it as well. His favorite part was sleeping in the tent, I think Kyle enjoyed that too except not waking up before 7.


I kept checking to see if a camping spot would open up for Saturday night but nothing came available. So on Saturday morning we packed up and headed on. Even as we left the campsite we had no plan for the day. We came to a junction and had the option of heading north or south.
We headed to the southern end of Whidbey Island and took the ferry over to the mainland.


Meanwhile Shelby was looking through a Washington Sate guide book and was looking at Leavenworth and it's always been a place she wanted to visit. It was also our anniversary so why not go somewhere interesting with the whole family. We looked at the distances and it seemed to be about a 2.5 hour drive. We weren't really prepared for a road trip(that means we didn't have our portable DVD player with us:-). I thought it would be fun to check it out the area as well.
So we made our way over there. The boys were mostly goofy with each other the whole way, which usually ends in fighting or screaming. After reading the riot act they calmed down and Kyle eventually fell asleep(peace and quiet). When Kyle woke up we stopped for lunch and then drove the final stretch to Leavenworth.


When we arrived in Leavenworth we didn't have a place to stay. Shelby was not keen on setting up camp again for one night, so I stopped in at the visitor center and managed to find a pet friendly motel 3 miles out of town, as everything in town was booked up. We checked out the motel, for the price it wasn't amazing(the Hilton in Vegas is cheaper!) but we took what we could get. After we dumped off some of our stuff we went back to check out this Bavarian-style town in the middle of Washington State.


All the signs must have to adhere to a town bylaw, for example the local Starbucks logo is different. Shelby actually didn't even go to this Starbucks as we 'settled' for gelato instead:-)


Kyle found someone his size...


A future knight?

Leavenworth is a tourist town, so naturally on a summer weekend it was very busy there. We looked around the shops and made our way down to the Wenatchee River. Keisha cooled off in the river and I even found a cache nearby. If I ever come back in the summer I really want to take a ride down the river in a tube.


This was on the lawn by our hotel so I made it a photo-op with the kids. Geting them to both look a the camera at the same time is not an easy task these days.


If we were really brave or dumb on the trip it was when we decided to take the long way home. So instead of taking the same way back we took the loop that ends up in Burlington this is also known as the Cascade loop. We actually completed the whole loop as part of it includes Whidbey Island

About an hour into our drive we stopped Chelan, which is very similar to parts of our Okanagan. There was playground at the park which the kids enjoyed.



For the most part the kids were fairly well behaved, with a few threats to help out:-)
We stopped for lunch in some small town. I thought by the rocks would be a nice place to eat lunch, but later Aaron found some thorns on his feet, he was not happy at all.


Very soon after we stopped for the lunch, the landscape changed into the mountains we are used to at home. Every once in a while there would be a nice overlook where you could stop to check out scenery around. This is a picture of Diablo Lake.


We left Leavenworth just after 9am and with all our various stops along the way including a stop at the outlet mall in Burlington and border line up we found ourselves at home around 6:30 pm. The kids were pretty squirrelly by the end of the trip, so there was a bit of a relief by all as we pulled into our driveway.
It wasn't a relaxing trip, but I think it was a good trip overall.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Second week with Glen

The day after we came back from the Okanagan we went to Vancouver with Glen, we went down to English Bay and then to Granville Island.



In Granville Island, I convinced Kyle to scare the pigeons away, it was pretty funny to see Kyle screaming and scaring the birds away. Can you tell how scared the birds are?


After Granville Island, we checked out Confederation Park in Burnaby. They have miniature trains which you can ride, of course Aaron and Kyle enjoyed that a lot.



On Wednesday we went for dinner at White Rock, we waded into the water, which Aaron and Kyle enjoyed, even Keisha went for a swim as well.



Thursday was Glen's last night here and Glen and I headed to the NorthWest Washington Fair in Lynden, WA. First we checked out some of the animals and found this evil llamma!


You know you are at a country fair when the speakers are held up by a forklift.

The main reason for going to the fair was to see Third Day, they put on a pretty good show although a bit short as it was only 1.5 hours. At most concerts I go to I videotape a song or two with my little Canon shoot, this was the first concert I was asked not to. They asked me after I was finished filming, but I thought it was a bit odd.


After the show Glen and I played a game each, I played darts and Glen tried the duck pond, we walked away with 2 small prizes, which our kids got to enjoy.



I only had my Canon point and shoot, but I still tried some long shutter speed while making a garbage can a tripod. A few turned out alright.




I forgot to post this in the last entry. When we were up in the Okanagan I took panoramic shots with Jamie's camera and put them together. I think this is the view that Shelby wants her dream house to have.

kelowna panoramic2

Anyway we had a great time with Glen and were glad he was able to visit. Glen we miss you already!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August Westbank Trip

So for the BC long weekend we headed back up to Westbank, this time we went up with our Noise friends. We went up a day early and took their boys with us. So we had 4 boys for a day and a half. Good thing they get along pretty well these days.

As in most trips we take lots of pictures, but here are a few from our trip.

On Friday they swam in the pool and we took them to a playground.









On Friday evening Jason and Elizabeth and Keira joined us for 3 nights.
We had a great time together. We swam in the pool, went to the lake, found some geocaches, had great food, went to the waterpark in Kelowna and took a trip up to Mission Hill.











Westbank 7-07 111


On Sunday I picked up my South African friend Glen who is currently studying in Toronto. He's been stuck in Toronto for 5 months so needed a break to come to the west coast. Arron and Kyle quite like Glen, so we may hire him as our nanny when he is done school.




We had a change in the house on Monday as our Noise friends left and auntie and unc unc joined us a for a few days. The kids are glad they are back in town and quite enjoy their company as well, good times as Sara would say.









After 8 days of fun, rest and relaxation we headed home. On the way home we stopped at the Othello tunnels, so Glen could see them. Aaron also enjoyed running through the tunnels.




Glen stayed with us for another 6 days, but I'll have to write about that in another post, stay tuned...