Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend review

This past weeekend started with an introduction to Auntie Sara and Unc Unc's new addition to their family, Mr Jack Black. He was adopted by the local animal shelter. The kids were a little apprehensive meeting a bigger dog, but they did well.


Later on Friday we watched a documentary called My Kid Could Paint That, I thought it was pretty well done and inspired something we did on Sunday.

On Saturday morning we went out to Mud Bay, we have been to Mud Bay a number of times, but this times we went to a part in Delta and we for a walk. The kids took turns in the stroller as it was pretty hot. I think they are both getting too big for it.


I did find a geocache among the logs here, Aaron was my helper.


As we were heading back we noticed a few eagles around including this one watching us in a tree nearby.

Later in the afternoon Aaron had a blastball game and after the game went went to Lexi's 4th birthday party.

For the birthday party they rented a bouncy castle, which the kids enjoyed.


One of Lexi's birthday presents was some new pink rubber boots.


Kyle watching from the playhouse.


Here I am teasing Aaron by getting Lexi to give Aaron a kiss.


This was another one Lexi's presents


This was Lexi's room after the party was over, seems like they had a good time.


On Sunday afternoon we had a church picnic, this is Aaron and I in the father-son 3 legged race, we didn't win, but had fun.


Keisha looks on, it was a bit warm for her

As I mentioned the documentary we watched on Friday, the 4 year girl in the movie sells her abstract art for $10,000 each, so we thought we should check to see if our kids have the natural talent too.

Here is Aaron painting ...


and here is Kyle...



Well the jury maybe out on the natural talent but they had fun.

Monday, May 19, 2008

May Long Weekend

I guess this is technically before the weekend, but on Thursday Shelby took the kids and dog to White Rock. They spent some time building castles and running through the tidal pools.


Can you guess which kid enjoyed running through the tidal pools more?



On Friday through Sunday we had warm summer-like days(finally!). We spent Saturday preparing for our Sunday Barbeque. We finally put a gate up under the sun room to keep the dog properly in the yard. Shelby mowed the lawn and I cleaned the gutters. Basically we worked most of the day the get things looking a little neater.

Meanwhile the kids got out the pool to cool off a bit...


and played nicely with each other...


but who's keeping score?


On Sunday we had our barbeque, we had quite a crowd show up of 30 adults and 10 kids or so. The weather was perfect and I think generally a good time was had by all. After dinner a lengthy game of volleyball took place. It was also nice to see newly engaged Jill and her fiance Lawrence visiting from Edmonton for the weekend.

Here are some of the kids hanging out in the playground.


Kyle seems to have taken a liking to David and thought he might be nice to climb on.


On Monday we met up with Jason and Elizabeth and their kids at the Fort Langley Parade.


The kids enjoyed the treats being handed out...


along with the various floats, I think this was Aaron's favourite....


While the kids enjoyed most of the floats, Kyle was not a fan of the loud emergency vehicles.


I have to say Keira is quite cute and seems to enjoy having her picture taken too, she also has the regal wave down, a future May Day queen? I think Kyle thinks she is cute too...


Aaron on the other hand is not sure about Keira's advances...


An Aidan and Keira sandwich?


It's great to see how our boys enjoy hanging out with Aidan and Michael, and their parents are pretty good to hang out with too;-)

Parade - Boys copy

So on Monday evening we were able to relax a bit after a fairly busy weekend and glad Shelby decided to have the barbeque on Sunday rather than Monday as it began to rain, but all in all it was a nice weekend.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tulip Town

Continuing on from the last post in La Conner, we did find a tulip field eventually and took a few pictures. Shelby took some nice tulip pictures as well, which can be viewed on her Facebook account. Here are a few that I took.














PS. Thanks again Sara for the use of your lens.

PPS. I hear I have a new subscriber to the blog here...welcome!

PPPS. Do people still use PS anymore?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

La Conner

Shelby and I took an overnight trip to La Conner, Washington(not DC Glen;-) last weekend.
We left the kids in the capable hands of Auntie Sara and Unc-Unc. Sara was also kind enough to lend me her favourite lens(50mm F1.8) for the 2 days we were away. The lens is not fancy, but it does take great pictures. On Saturday we spent most of the day at the Seattle Premium outlets, the weather was raining off and on so it was a good day to be mostly indoors. Later for dinner we went for dinner in La Conner and stayed in a bed and breakfast nearby. Something about the bed made me snore louder than usual, which made for a peaceful night for Shelby.

The next day the weather improved and we went out to find the tulips, we were driving for a while with no tulips fields in sight, so we went to check out Tulip Town and noticed they still had some tulips in bloom. The day we went was the last day Tulip town was open, so we were lucky that way. Shelby and I both took some nice tulips photos, but I could not pick out which ones I wanted to post, so I'll have to look at them again.

After Tulip Town we went 'toodling' (I think that's the term) in La Conner, they have some nice shops there to browse in. With Sara's favorite lens I asked a few of the shopkeepers if I could take some pictures in their stores and they were kind enough to let me. Here are a few of the pictures I took in La Conner.

Even though it was a quick trip it was still nice to get away.









