Thursday, April 19, 2007

Aaron runs the mini Sun Run

Last Sunday in our annual family tradition we went to the Sun Run. This year was Aaron's turn to try to mini Sun Run which is 2.5K and starts an hour earlier than the official Sun Run.
Aaron and mom at the start

Shelby was Aaron's escort this year and they did a great job together. I think Aaron ran most of the way. The mini Sun Run is not officially timed but they crossed the finish line in just over 20 minutes.

Almost finished the mini Sun Run

I unfortunately missed Aaron and Shelby's race as I was confused about where the race ended, luckily my parents were there to take some pictures.

At the official Run , Mike and my Dad ran in our family and also a bunch of people in our church formed a Sun Run team. Our team finished 7th in it's category which isn't too bad. I finished in 51:56, which isn't a great time for me, but I thought I did OK. Finishing 1 second ahead of my brother made it all that much sweeter though.
There's always next year.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Aaron looks so excited and proud of himself. Very cute!