Monday, March 26, 2007

Aaron's turns 4!

After many days counting down Aaron finally turned 4 last week.
Apparently now he is a 'big boy'
So we tell him big boys don't heat up their milk anymore and big boys don't throw temper tantrums. Seems in reality when you turn 4 you are not automatically a big boy.

On his birthday we had our family over and Shelby cooked a nice meal, but Aaron and Kyle got a surprise from Bump Bump Fries and that was a present in itself. After dinner there were vanilla cupcakes for cake. Aaron then got to open some of his presents including some all the way from Japan thanks to Auntie and Unc Unc.

Aaron's Birthday cupcake
Hmm icing!

The new construction set
Construction set!

A Thomas Sweatshirt from Japan
Thomas the train!

Then last Saturday we had a joint birthday party for Aaron and Kyle at my parents farm, as Kyle's birthday is coming up really soon.

Unfortunately we could not stop the endless rain, but the farm party was still on!
I think the only people that noticed the rain were the parents.

Birthday party kids

There were 10 kids invited to the party but only 8 could come because of sickness going around.

Here are some pictures from the farm party.

Riding the toy tractor in the rain
The Aaron-sized tractor

Kyle in the rain
Rain, what rain?

Kyle and the pinata

Kyle trying to hit the pinata!

The pinata aftermath


Hunting for balls in the hay

Searching for balls in the hay

The rain soaked tractor ride (thanks Jason)

The birthday boys

The birthday kids

Taking a closer look at Aaron's presents

Getting a closer look

Someones not eating birthday cake

Looks who's the only one not eating cake...goldfish are better!

Despite the rain I think a good time was had by all, welcome to 4 Aaron qnd it's still a lot of sleeps till you turn 5!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Belly Button party

So today I had a few friends over with their kids. It just so happens that all of those kids were boys except for one 18 mos old girl. At one point during the morning one of my friends looks into the the sunroom to see a few boys jumping up and down with their shirts off. We thought it was funny but then they decided to come out and run around the house yelling Belly Button Party. We thought this was quite creative for a 6,4 and two 3 year olds to come up with. However by the end of the time here it escalated to them all of a sudden running around in just their underwear and socks and one even took it a step further. We had some funny moments but we thought we should probably shut the party down when they were just in their whitey tighties!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Growing Up

The moment has come for the change table to vacate the room. The crib and rocking chair are next to go. Yes, Kyle is in a big boy bed! We just put it in the room today and showed him that this was where he was going to sleep now. I thought we were going to have to try this a few times but as soon as he had his soother and special blankie he was fine. So he is now napping for the very first time in his new bed. I am quite excited to be getting rid of all the baby "stuff" but there is something a little sad about it all too. I'm sure the day the crib rolls out will be a day of reflecting for me. My babies are slowly growing up. Before I know it they will be out of the house...but I guess for now I should just hope that Kyle will again want to sleep in his big boy bed tonight.

The Kiddos

We'll try to post more pics of the kids on our blog instead of email, we'll see how this goes.
In 2 weeks there is a birthday party for Aaron and Kyle, so I am sure there will be more pictures to post then.

Here are some of the recent ones.

Say cheese Kyle

Look at me

Say cheese

Tacky tourist?

Yummy oatmeal

No more dots!

My sensor on my Nikon had a dust spot for the longest time, on most pictures you didn't notice it. I thought I would try cleaning the sensor myself but I didn't have the right materials and I ended up making this worse. Anyway I didn't have time to properly clean it before our Mexico trip and a lot of pictures were plagued by the evil dots. After our trip I went to different camera stores to get my camera cleaned. After a few stops I ended up at the Nikon Canada office in Richmond and I get a free sensor for my first cleaning...if only I had done this before my trip...a lesson learned.
Now we need better weather to go out and take more pictures. This one is from the recent snow we had and a rare moment of sunshine

Snow on tree

Thursday, March 08, 2007

How many countries can you type in 10 minutes?

I tried this the other day and got 75, I would have had 78 had I known hown to spell 3 countries right. Basically you type in the country name correctly and it adds it to the list.
See how you do

no cheating:-)