Sunday, March 11, 2007

Growing Up

The moment has come for the change table to vacate the room. The crib and rocking chair are next to go. Yes, Kyle is in a big boy bed! We just put it in the room today and showed him that this was where he was going to sleep now. I thought we were going to have to try this a few times but as soon as he had his soother and special blankie he was fine. So he is now napping for the very first time in his new bed. I am quite excited to be getting rid of all the baby "stuff" but there is something a little sad about it all too. I'm sure the day the crib rolls out will be a day of reflecting for me. My babies are slowly growing up. Before I know it they will be out of the house...but I guess for now I should just hope that Kyle will again want to sleep in his big boy bed tonight.

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