Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bye Bye Soo

Last night I decided it was time to say good bye to "Soo". Kyle has used this same soother for the past few months and would not use a different one. Needless to say the thing was in pretty bad shape and I was getting a little afraid that it may break apart while he was sucking on it. So at about 7:00 last night I told him he should go put it in the garbage. He did it quite easily and he even said good bye to it ( I prompted him). BUT at 7:30 at bed time the consequences of what he did finally hit him. It all made sense to him now and he let the tears flow. The tears only lasted a few minutes but he was probably up until 9:00 in bed talking away, trying to sooth himself to sleep. I felt a little guilty because it seemed like he thought I had tricked him. BUT this was going to happen at some point soon anyways. So night #1 is finished and our punishment for this is a child that woke up at 6:30 this morning and has been pretty cranky since. Good thing he's going to Grandma's for a while this morning :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sleepin' and hangin'

Kyle woke up quite early this morning. He was crying and throwing up.
We weren't sure what was wrong. He must have had sort of bug in his stomach,
because after breakfast he was feeling a bit better, but fell asleep on the couch.
The after lunch and he had another nap and he seems to be doing better now.

Sleepy Kyle

A week ago Aaron went to his friend Alyssa's birthday party at The Little Gym.
Here is Aaron having fun hanging upside down.

Hangin' upside down

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Aaron runs the mini Sun Run

Last Sunday in our annual family tradition we went to the Sun Run. This year was Aaron's turn to try to mini Sun Run which is 2.5K and starts an hour earlier than the official Sun Run.
Aaron and mom at the start

Shelby was Aaron's escort this year and they did a great job together. I think Aaron ran most of the way. The mini Sun Run is not officially timed but they crossed the finish line in just over 20 minutes.

Almost finished the mini Sun Run

I unfortunately missed Aaron and Shelby's race as I was confused about where the race ended, luckily my parents were there to take some pictures.

At the official Run , Mike and my Dad ran in our family and also a bunch of people in our church formed a Sun Run team. Our team finished 7th in it's category which isn't too bad. I finished in 51:56, which isn't a great time for me, but I thought I did OK. Finishing 1 second ahead of my brother made it all that much sweeter though.
There's always next year.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Coaster fun!

Our sister-in-law Sara over in Japan blogged about her roller coaster adventures at Fujiku Highland with some video by Jamie of their adventures. This reminded me of the video I took of the Mindbender roller coaster at West Edmonton Mall almost 4 years ago.

Hold on!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter in the Okanagan

We ventured up to Westbank for the Easter weekend to celebrate Shelby's grandpa's (Papa) 75th birthday. Shelby's parents came over from the island and we headed up to the Okanagan on Good Friday. The weather was great every day expect on Monday, but we were heading home that day, so it didn't matter. Shelby and her dad were sick most of the weekend, so it wasn't as enjoyable for them.
During the day on Saturday I took the kids to the park which they enjoyed.

boys swing

aaron slide

kyle slide

Testing the water

We didn't have Aaron's bathing suit with us, but he still wanted to test out the water.

On Saturday night we headed up to the Lost Moose which overlooks Penticton to have dinner for Papa. Most of Shelby's moms side of the family was there as well.
There were a few things to keep the kids entertained while we waited for dinner.

Aaron in the wagon

aaron sliding

me and the city below

Here is a self portrait shot of me and the Penticton city lights below.

After dinner we headed to Papa and Grandma's house for some cake.

papa blowing out the candles

It was a late night and we didn't get home till 10:30.
The kids slept on the way back to Westbank.

kyle having a snooze

Even with a late night it didn't stop the kids from waking up at 6:30. Since it was Easter morning they had some new Easter presents to play with, including a new Thomas musical caboose and some tracks and some play cars. Then they went outside to look for some Easter eggs and this year Kyle was able to join in on the hunt.

kyle finding eggs

Since Shelby and her dad were sick and Shelby's mom was cooking Easter dinner, I took the boys out. We went on an adventure trying to kind a geocache in the area. It's a long story, but part of the walk/hike included me trying to find a bathroom.


And then taking a short cut up a trail only to get attacked by thistles or was it cactus. Ouch!

This picture was taken after the cacti incident, I think Kyle had enough at this point.
(Up too early?)

someone is upset

Then we headed to Kelowna because Aaron wanted to see the Ogopogo again!?

At the ogopogo again

In the evening we had a nice Easter dinner with some family. There was lots of food to go around and the food was delicious.(Thanks to Pat and Shelby and Grandma's Waldorf salad).

Easter dinner
(You like my cheesy grin?)

Monday we packed up and headed back to Langley.

That was Easter 2007 for us.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Kyle is 2!

Well our little Kyle turned 2 today. We had a little family get together yesterday. Shelby made a nice half ice cream half vanilla cake cake, if that makes sense. It was good good but Kyle does not like cake anymore so we got to enjoy it while he enjoyed goldfish crackers instead.

Kyle's cake that he won't eat

Kyle got some cool presents including a ride-on plane and a new tricycle

A present from Uncle Mike and Viva

Riding the new plane

and some new clothes from Auntie and Unc Unc all the way from Japan

A new shirt from Japan!

and Kyle has his very own backpack which Aaron picked out for him

Backpack backpack!

Here is the latest family pic from yesterday,
but all the little/big boys look different now
that we all got our $5 haircuts today.

The family pic

Here is a video from today which includes Aaron singing
Happy Birthday to Kyle and Kyle's Birthday Star as seen on CBC today.

We head up to the Okanangan for Easter weekend so
I'll try to update this blog next week from our trip up there.