Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Kyle is 2!

Well our little Kyle turned 2 today. We had a little family get together yesterday. Shelby made a nice half ice cream half vanilla cake cake, if that makes sense. It was good good but Kyle does not like cake anymore so we got to enjoy it while he enjoyed goldfish crackers instead.

Kyle's cake that he won't eat

Kyle got some cool presents including a ride-on plane and a new tricycle

A present from Uncle Mike and Viva

Riding the new plane

and some new clothes from Auntie and Unc Unc all the way from Japan

A new shirt from Japan!

and Kyle has his very own backpack which Aaron picked out for him

Backpack backpack!

Here is the latest family pic from yesterday,
but all the little/big boys look different now
that we all got our $5 haircuts today.

The family pic

Here is a video from today which includes Aaron singing
Happy Birthday to Kyle and Kyle's Birthday Star as seen on CBC today.

We head up to the Okanangan for Easter weekend so
I'll try to update this blog next week from our trip up there.

1 comment:

MandH said...

Happy Easter from Peru and happy birthday to the big 2 year old. Good luck in the Sun Run Eric, you guys should think about coming over the next weekend for Victoria´s version.
Tace care,
Mark and Sylvie