Monday, May 07, 2007

A day in pictures

The photo website Flickr had a 24 hours of Flickr on Saturday May 5. Basically you take a bunch of pictures that day and decide on 1 to sum up your day.
I thought that would be a fun thing to do, so we tried to have some fun outings with the family.

In the morning we went out to White Rock, the weather was a little overcast, but the sun popped out every once in a while. We brought the kite with us and headed to the beach.

kite flying

running on the beach

Aaron and Kyle both loved running through the puddles, good thing for rubber boots and waterprook pants.

at the beach

alone at the pier

Kyle is not as alone as he seems:-)

drinking juice

mmm juice

Time for snack.

snack time

We also walked around the town a bit and then headed home for lunch and nap time.

In the afternoon we headed down to Fort Langley to check out the town and I took the kids to see the caboose, which they enjoyed.


what you looking at

And hanging around the tracks as well.

Then after we met up with some friends from church at Derby Reach park.
We had a nice dinner grilled over the campstove and hung out for a while.
The kids enjoyed running around the park and throwing rocks in the river.

throwing rocks

I had an enjoyable Cinqo de Mayo and I think the kids were for the most part well behaved.
I was able to take about 90 pictures that day and it was hard to choose 1 picture to sum up my day, but ultimately I chose this one. Good times.

kite flying at white rock

If you want to see what other people submitted to Flickr as their picture of the day you can click here.

1 comment:

Sara & Jamie said...

hey !!!!

great photos! i actually forgot about the flickr day thingie...oops!!

the boys are huge...i am so shocked everytime i see pictures of them! time flies and kids grow like weeds!

your photos are once again amazing! i am jealous and am definitely going to pick your brain when we get home!!!

chat soon!