Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bubble Fun

Shelby and the boys were playing with the bubble wand this afternoon and daddy took some pictures.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Berry Picking

Last Saturday we went to Driediger Farms to get some berries.

Shelby wanted strawberries and I wanted raspberries. Since strawberries are ending their season soon, the only way you could get them was u-pick, so we went out to the strawberriy patch. Things were pretty hopeless with Kyle where the strawberries were, he didn't want to walk and the stroller could not go between the rows. So Aaron and Shelby picked their bucket of strawberries and Kyle and I went to pick raspberries. In the middle of picking strawberries Aaron had to go to the bathroom, so Shelby treks to the other side of the field to find the outhouse. After some complaining by Aaron, as it was quite warm out, they finally got their bucket of strawberries.




Meanwhile over at the raspberries I mostly pushed Kyle around in the umbrella stroller and he helped by pointing out where the raspberries were. I think where we were, most of the raspberries were picked over. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was going to take a while to pick a bucket of raspberries, especially with having to push Kyle around as well. So I thought I should at least pick some raspberries and not come back to the to weigh in an empty bucket. After a while Kyle was getting antsy and walked around for a bit(cue in photo-op) and 'helped' a bit. Eventually I figured we should be head back as I thought Shelby would be be waiting for us. Little did I know she would be waiting a half hour for us and we only came back with a pound and a half of raspberries while she had picked 5 pounds of strawberries.



I ended up buying 3 more pounds of raspberries, but we did have the berry picking experience! So I am not sure if I would recommend this experience if you have young children or not.

Later that day Shelby made her strawberry jam and the next day I made my raspberry jam. They both taste yummy and we will ignore the mount of sugar we put in it and that makes the experience worth it!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Canada Day Looong weekend

We were up in Westbank for the Canada long weekend with our friends Ray and Ginny and their children. We added a few days to our long weekend to make it even longer.

We arrived on Thursday, the kids ended up not napping that day which suited Aaron fine, but when there was a bit of down time Kyle conked out.


On Friday we were able to have a swim in the morning and went to a park with the kids.



Lexi had an interesting moment as she ran down the slide instead of sliding down, gave her parents a bit of a scare...crazy kid!


With Kyle's lack of fear, running into the creek nearby seemed like a good idea, so Shelby helped him out.

In the afternoon there was a torrential downpour. Around 8pm the clouds started to break and the sun started to come out again. Ray and I headed up to Mission Hill to take some pictures.


Saturday the sun came out and it stayed out for the rest of our trip getting warmer each day. Swimming in the pool was very common and also was a relief from the heat.






For Canada Day the kids each got a Canada tattoos and Canada hats.



Shelby made us special drinks that were very yummy.


Here is Madi pretending to be a cat, watching her eat as a cat was pretty funny.


Bubbles were a big thing with the little kids...



and the big kids too!



On the last day Ray and I took Madi and Aaron to the lake which they really enjoyed.
Some people were coming in with their kayaks to the shore, so they let the kids sit in the kayaks for some photo ops.




The kids enjoyed blowing dandylions on our way back to the car



Here is us at our Canada Day dinner.


All in all another great trip had to come to an end...till next next time!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Our trip sans enfants

I am trying to do a bit of catch up on this blog.

Last month we took a trip to Vegas and then rented a car and went to see the National Parks of Utah and the Grand canyon. It was our first trip without kids since we had kids, so we took advantage of that and tried to see as much as we could in a week. Here is a brief summary and a few pictures from our adventure.

These are a few nights shots from Vegas. It reached 110F during the day so walking around at night was a bit more bearable.

Vegas at night

Bellagio at night

Fremont street at night

This is Bryce Canyon, we enjoyed walking into the canyon. We did it first thing in the morning, so it wasn't too hot.

bryce canyon


At a rock shop

Then we were in Moab, UT which is close to Arches National park and Canyonlands National Park, which are both great.

Window arch

arches np

Arches sunset

Arches at night

canyonland np

We also made a trip to the Grand Canyon which was nice as well.

At the grand Canyon

We really enjoyed our holiday, maybe next year we will be able to something like that again.