Monday, July 16, 2007

Berry Picking

Last Saturday we went to Driediger Farms to get some berries.

Shelby wanted strawberries and I wanted raspberries. Since strawberries are ending their season soon, the only way you could get them was u-pick, so we went out to the strawberriy patch. Things were pretty hopeless with Kyle where the strawberries were, he didn't want to walk and the stroller could not go between the rows. So Aaron and Shelby picked their bucket of strawberries and Kyle and I went to pick raspberries. In the middle of picking strawberries Aaron had to go to the bathroom, so Shelby treks to the other side of the field to find the outhouse. After some complaining by Aaron, as it was quite warm out, they finally got their bucket of strawberries.




Meanwhile over at the raspberries I mostly pushed Kyle around in the umbrella stroller and he helped by pointing out where the raspberries were. I think where we were, most of the raspberries were picked over. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was going to take a while to pick a bucket of raspberries, especially with having to push Kyle around as well. So I thought I should at least pick some raspberries and not come back to the to weigh in an empty bucket. After a while Kyle was getting antsy and walked around for a bit(cue in photo-op) and 'helped' a bit. Eventually I figured we should be head back as I thought Shelby would be be waiting for us. Little did I know she would be waiting a half hour for us and we only came back with a pound and a half of raspberries while she had picked 5 pounds of strawberries.



I ended up buying 3 more pounds of raspberries, but we did have the berry picking experience! So I am not sure if I would recommend this experience if you have young children or not.

Later that day Shelby made her strawberry jam and the next day I made my raspberry jam. They both taste yummy and we will ignore the mount of sugar we put in it and that makes the experience worth it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds yummy. Leave some for me.