Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumpkin Patch Take 1 - Hazelmere Pumpkin Patch

Part I included Kyle laying in a mucky pumpkin field having a temper tantrum (more than once), 2 pumpkins and not enough hands to carry them and the 44 lb 2 year old. It also included a handful of well meaning parents telling me they had been there with their kids too. However I was in no mood to hear that.
What that trip did not include was Eric (who happened to be at a marriage conference by himself) I vowed to never go to the pumpkin patch without him again. It included a lecture to the kids in the car which meant nothing to them but made me feel better...sort of. We ended up coming home with one little over priced pumpkin that Aaron had to carry himself to the hay wagon (which truly was a bit of a feat). Needless to say part II was much better.

*Eric was doing sound at the marriage conference, I was supposed to go but because I didn't make up my mind soon enough our babysitters were busy. So while Eric was at this marriage conference I thought I would do something fun with the kids. Unfortunately it didn't happen that way.

Here are the pictures I got before the meltdowns began.




Elizabeth said...

At least you got a really cute picture of the boys! You will laugh about that experience every time you go to the pumpkin patch from now on!

Island Ma and Pa said...

I had to laugh - well meaning parents LOL - I call it payback.....I only wish you could have taken a picture of the meltdown in the rotten pumpkin - now that's a story only a mother can love....