Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Party

Last Sunday we had everyone on my side of the family at my parents for a 'Christmas party'. This seemed to be the best day to get everyone over to celebrate Christmas. We call it a Christmas party, so as not confuse the children for the real Christmas Day. We had a nice dinner, then went for a drive to see the lights and when we came back the presents were there!

Here are a few pictures...



The obligatory family dinner shot...

Aaron got his Henry train!

Kyle got his Edward train!

and Doodle Pro

and Aaron got a baseball glove.

Mike made this Inukshuk for my m0m and she also requested 'time' from us boys. She wants us to help her on the computer and other things. I think Mike was trying to be symbolic of Mexican time?


Mike was Sylvie's sectret Santa and this is what she got, apparently this is pretty self-explanatory.

I received a nice camera bag from Shelby and a cool gorillapod from my secret Santa Viva and some other things as well, (we all got pretty spoiled).
It was nice to get together as a familyagain and then we get to do it all over again with the other side next week.


Sara & Jamie said...

looked like a great time!! we were sooo going to get you something very similar to the gorillapod when we were in japan! good thing we didn't :)

see you all next week...looking forward to it!

Estelle said...

1. Love the butt face towel
2. Love the camera page, nice choice Shelby
3. I still have a gift for your mom from Shelby it is a tree with angels around it... Shelby said that it would make a nice inlaw gift. I will bring it wrapped next Sunday :) wink, wink!

Eric said...

Estelle how about give it to your own in-laws, tell them you made it for them.