Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Walk in Campbell Valley

Last Saturday was a sunny, yet cold day. In the morning I took the boys and dog to Campbell Valley park for a walk. Seems I wasn't the only dad with their kids that morning, where were the moms??
At first Aaron was complaining of the cold and how he wanted to go back home, until he tripped and landed on his face, luckily he had his hands to stop him. Ironically after the tears stopped, he seemed to be more into the walk. I think looking at the ducks and finding a practically dried river bed seems to help as well. Kyle switched between the stroller and walking, so there were no complaints from him.

Here are a few pictures








Elizabeth said...

I love the picture of them leaning on the bench so nonchalantly. They look so happy to be brothers.

Sara & Jamie said...

i agree....I LOVE THAT PICTURE!!!!!! kyle totally cracks me up!

rachel joy said...

Good Daddy! Very clever photos with the sun behind the boys. I love those ones!

Unknown said...

Nice pictures Eric.
The one with the boys leaning on the fence -bench (I'm not sure what it is) so cute. Daddy's little angels.

Shelbs said...

It's little Bob and Doug MacKenzie :)