Friday, March 28, 2008

Puerto Adventuras Part 1 - pool side

We were very fortunate to go on anther holiday so soon after our Hawaii trip. This time we met up with our friends Ray and Ginny and their girls Madi and Lexi(we have to keep up tradition:-). We went to the Mayan Riviera about 15 minutes south of Playa del Carmen, where we were married 8.5 years ago. Much has changed since we were there last and I'll talk about that more in another entry. One blog entry of our trip would be too long, so I'll make it into parts.

We stayed in a condo in a resort community called Puerto Adventuras. Basically it's a small town made for tourists. The town has a couple hotels, a bunch of condos, shops, restaurants and a dolphin adventure section. We went out for a few excursions, but probably the kids favorite part was spending time in the pool. Aaron and Madi can swim now, although Aaron still likes going in his 'floaty'suit' quite a bit still.

So this blog entry features pictures at the pool:

The pool had 2 parts the blue part and the white part. The blue part, the main part of the pool was about 4 feet deep and the white part was about 2 feet deep at its lowest point as it gradually sloped from the edge. The kids could play in the white part with less adult supervision as they were able to stand. Many hours of the trip were spent in and around the pool.




Madi liked to pretend she was a mermaid.


Lexi used a 'floaty suit' for the first time this trip, she enjoyed the extra freedom that came with it.


Aaron pretending to be a starfish


Kyle enjoyed being in the hippo, including the awkward getting in and out of it.


One day I thought it would be fun to get the kids hair wet, I also got Kyle wet and Madi wet as well.


Ray thought I needed some payback, and as I was going in, I quickly checked my pockets for my wallet or camera, luckily I had neither. In the end we both got dunked.




Here is Ray with with daughters as the sun was starting to set.



On the morning we were leaving we went one last time to the pool to say goodbye.


And here we are all at the pool...good times!



Sara & Jamie said...

looks awesome!! cannot wait to see more pics!!! we are off in a few hours to cuba where they are calling for thunder showers all week~~~ ARRRGGGHHHH!!! fingers crossed!! talk to you guys soon....hugz for the boyz

Unknown said...

I sure like this family picture. Great smiles from all of you, nice tans too, Must be hard coming back to the real life

Island Ma and Pa said...

I love the good -bye pic - it just makes me feel sad for them as I'm sure so much fun was's hard to come back to snow after that...I especially love the butt shot of Kyle - plumber butt forever

Island Ma and Pa said...
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Island Ma and Pa said...

Love Aaron's Crab shirt....better watch Bubba doesn't steal that