Wednesday, May 07, 2008

La Conner

Shelby and I took an overnight trip to La Conner, Washington(not DC Glen;-) last weekend.
We left the kids in the capable hands of Auntie Sara and Unc-Unc. Sara was also kind enough to lend me her favourite lens(50mm F1.8) for the 2 days we were away. The lens is not fancy, but it does take great pictures. On Saturday we spent most of the day at the Seattle Premium outlets, the weather was raining off and on so it was a good day to be mostly indoors. Later for dinner we went for dinner in La Conner and stayed in a bed and breakfast nearby. Something about the bed made me snore louder than usual, which made for a peaceful night for Shelby.

The next day the weather improved and we went out to find the tulips, we were driving for a while with no tulips fields in sight, so we went to check out Tulip Town and noticed they still had some tulips in bloom. The day we went was the last day Tulip town was open, so we were lucky that way. Shelby and I both took some nice tulips photos, but I could not pick out which ones I wanted to post, so I'll have to look at them again.

After Tulip Town we went 'toodling' (I think that's the term) in La Conner, they have some nice shops there to browse in. With Sara's favorite lens I asked a few of the shopkeepers if I could take some pictures in their stores and they were kind enough to let me. Here are a few of the pictures I took in La Conner.

Even though it was a quick trip it was still nice to get away.












Cheryl said...

Great pics Eric, glad you liked the lens - it is so much fun isn't it. I love that broom pic the best i think, can't wait to see the tulips

Sara & Jamie said...

glad you had fun with it!!!! you sooo need to get one soon! your pix are amazing!! what a fun little place to go!! i agree with cheryl..i love the broom pic the best!! nice work!

Elizabeth said...

Very cool pictures. I like the hat one. Glad you could get away but it's too bad about the snoring.

Island Ma and Pa said...

hey guys - good to see you get away for a weekend of parent time.....nice pics Eric...I like the skeletons the best...the one in the red pants looks like he's doing a Michael Jackson pose...LOL..and the brooms..did you pic any time I'll put in an order for one ...those colors are awesome.. I'd be styling with my new broom for flying..

Island Ma and Pa said...
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