Monday, May 19, 2008

May Long Weekend

I guess this is technically before the weekend, but on Thursday Shelby took the kids and dog to White Rock. They spent some time building castles and running through the tidal pools.


Can you guess which kid enjoyed running through the tidal pools more?



On Friday through Sunday we had warm summer-like days(finally!). We spent Saturday preparing for our Sunday Barbeque. We finally put a gate up under the sun room to keep the dog properly in the yard. Shelby mowed the lawn and I cleaned the gutters. Basically we worked most of the day the get things looking a little neater.

Meanwhile the kids got out the pool to cool off a bit...


and played nicely with each other...


but who's keeping score?


On Sunday we had our barbeque, we had quite a crowd show up of 30 adults and 10 kids or so. The weather was perfect and I think generally a good time was had by all. After dinner a lengthy game of volleyball took place. It was also nice to see newly engaged Jill and her fiance Lawrence visiting from Edmonton for the weekend.

Here are some of the kids hanging out in the playground.


Kyle seems to have taken a liking to David and thought he might be nice to climb on.


On Monday we met up with Jason and Elizabeth and their kids at the Fort Langley Parade.


The kids enjoyed the treats being handed out...


along with the various floats, I think this was Aaron's favourite....


While the kids enjoyed most of the floats, Kyle was not a fan of the loud emergency vehicles.


I have to say Keira is quite cute and seems to enjoy having her picture taken too, she also has the regal wave down, a future May Day queen? I think Kyle thinks she is cute too...


Aaron on the other hand is not sure about Keira's advances...


An Aidan and Keira sandwich?


It's great to see how our boys enjoy hanging out with Aidan and Michael, and their parents are pretty good to hang out with too;-)

Parade - Boys copy

So on Monday evening we were able to relax a bit after a fairly busy weekend and glad Shelby decided to have the barbeque on Sunday rather than Monday as it began to rain, but all in all it was a nice weekend.


Elizabeth said...

This blog made me laugh! So nice to have good friends for our kids an us too:). I love all the pics but especially of the one of Aaron being sandwiched. Also the ones of your boys' different reactions to the tidal pools.

Sara & Jamie said...

those are awesomne! i agree..i love the one where aaron is dodging the kiss!! ha ha ha ha!! waaaaaaayyy too cute! my fav. cutie patooties!!