Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend review

This past weeekend started with an introduction to Auntie Sara and Unc Unc's new addition to their family, Mr Jack Black. He was adopted by the local animal shelter. The kids were a little apprehensive meeting a bigger dog, but they did well.


Later on Friday we watched a documentary called My Kid Could Paint That, I thought it was pretty well done and inspired something we did on Sunday.

On Saturday morning we went out to Mud Bay, we have been to Mud Bay a number of times, but this times we went to a part in Delta and we for a walk. The kids took turns in the stroller as it was pretty hot. I think they are both getting too big for it.


I did find a geocache among the logs here, Aaron was my helper.


As we were heading back we noticed a few eagles around including this one watching us in a tree nearby.

Later in the afternoon Aaron had a blastball game and after the game went went to Lexi's 4th birthday party.

For the birthday party they rented a bouncy castle, which the kids enjoyed.


One of Lexi's birthday presents was some new pink rubber boots.


Kyle watching from the playhouse.


Here I am teasing Aaron by getting Lexi to give Aaron a kiss.


This was another one Lexi's presents


This was Lexi's room after the party was over, seems like they had a good time.


On Sunday afternoon we had a church picnic, this is Aaron and I in the father-son 3 legged race, we didn't win, but had fun.


Keisha looks on, it was a bit warm for her

As I mentioned the documentary we watched on Friday, the 4 year girl in the movie sells her abstract art for $10,000 each, so we thought we should check to see if our kids have the natural talent too.

Here is Aaron painting ...


and here is Kyle...



Well the jury maybe out on the natural talent but they had fun.

1 comment:

Sara & Jamie said...

those are awesome photoz! i like the composition of the cupcake and the barbie :-) i may have a wedding lined up.....i would love to have you help me out if you are interested :) let me know