Tuesday, June 24, 2008

End of an era(s)

As summer began on the calendar, a few things came to an end for our kids. Aaron had his last Blastball games of the season on Sunday with a double header. After the games there was an awards ceremony for the kids and lunch. Aaron received the award for most improved hitter!
Good job Aaron!


Here he is receiving his award from his coach.



On Monday Aaron 'graduated' from preschool, it was a long road for Aaron, but we are very proud of him. I think he is finally ready to get out into the 'real world' called kindergarten. We wish him luck on his adventures. Does this mean he moves out now??

At his graduation, the kids put on a series of plays, Aaron played the big bad wolf in the Three Little Pigs. In this picture the wolf tried to blow the brick house down, but couldn't and ended up burning his tail going down the chimney!


Here is the wolf explaining that he justed wanted to borrow some sugar from the little pigs for a party he wanted to throw for them.


Next it came time to cross the floor and receive his preschool diploma.

A big thanks goes to Teacher Angela and Teacher Sarah for all the work they did this past year.

And now pictures with the graduate!

The brothers...


The family...

If I keep this blog up there should be a similar picture in 13 years!

On Sunday afternoon Shelby hosted a Sunday school party for the kids she teaches, which are about 11 and 12 years old, of course Aaron and Kyle wanted to get into the action as well. At the end of the party was a slip n' slide which Aaron and Kyle enjoyed as well.



Probably the part we are most excited about for an end to an era, is Kyle 'graduating ' from diapers to underwear!! Seemed a while there where we didn't know when he would transition. Suddenly he has 3 dry diapers overnight and we thought let's try no diapers and he has been accident free overnight for about a week now!


Way to go Kyle!

Seems our kids are slowly growing up, we are thankful to God for their blessing to us!


Elizabeth said...

Way to go Aaron and Kyle! What a couple of cuties!

Island Ma and Pa said...

wow -- how time has flown...such huge milestones....Aaron - our 1st graduating grandchild and an amazing feat for Kyle - no dipes YEA!! Gramma Patty has happy tears for you both......nice pics Eric!!