Friday, October 10, 2008


I haven't written a blog post in a while, I guess that's what happens when you get into the fall routine. Seems in the last 2 weeks the temperatures and the Canadian dollar have both fallen, much to our dismay.
Kyle and Aaron both are enjoying school, Kyle is learning new songs and loves to play with his friends at school. Aaron likes going to the library and also been bringing home books to read. He also has kilometer club where he runs around the track and is aiming to get to 100 or 200 laps I can't remember which. He also has a different task to do at home, whether its counting as high as he can, to setting the table, to counting all the round objects he sees in a day, among the other many things he has to do.

Aaron is also getting the hang of soccer. At first he wasn't enjoying it much as he was confused as to the point of it all, but seems to have caught on. He almost scored a goal in his last game, so maybe he'll get one soon.

I think it was over over a week since I have taken a picture, but our kids both got their Halloween costumes this past week, so I took some preview pictures of them in their costumes. Since it's still a bit till Halloween, you only get a preview too! You can try and guess what they might be and you'll see more pictures when Halloween comes.


On Sunday we are heading to Victoria to visit Mark and Sylvie and have Thanksgiving together with my family.

So to my 3 readers out there, I wish you Happy Thanksgiving and if you are American Happy Columbus Day!


Unknown said...

GG & Papa in Penticton,
Think the costumes will be great for the boys.
I wondered if you had gone on a world wide tour or into hiding as there have not been any pictures for a long time,(unusual for Eric)
Happy Thanksgiving to Shelby,
Eric, Aaron, Kyle & Keisha

Sara & Jamie said...

you have more than 3 readers :-)
cannot wait to see the costumes...i know what they are, but i won't spoil it for everyone :-) happy gobble gobble

Cheryl said...

happy turkey day, can't wait to see the kids costumes!

And don't worry three readers is better than one!!!

Estelle said...

4 readers Eric! I am a faithful follower!