Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pancakes for supper?

Shelby went away this past weekend for her annual shopping trip with the ladies to Seattle, so it was the boys and I left to fend for ourselves. On Friday night I gave the boys the option of pizza or pancakes for supper. They both agreed(thankfully) on pancakes, and they really wanted to help make the pancakes too. So here they are at work in the kitchen.






Cheryl said...

awww super cute - i love the letters in the pancakes

Sara & Jamie said...

awww...i miss them!!!! auntie and unc unc time is needed asap! look at how hard aaron is concentrating!! what a cutie!!

Elizabeth said...

Nothing like hanging out with Daddy. They always get to do the things mom doesn't have the time or energy to do. Very sweet.