Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A visit with Auntie and Unc Unc

So I haven't blogged too much this year, but thankfully our sister-in-law Sara has been.

This past weekend Aaron and Kyle had a weekend sleepover visit at Auntie Sara and Uncle Jamie's place. The kids had a fun time. You can read about what they did and see some pictures at their blog here

Meanwhile Shelby and I got to enjoy a day to ourselves in Vancouver. We did some shopping and a lot of walking around. We went to an IMAX show and had kind of planned a nice dinner together. Once we figured out when the IMAX show was it didn't leave a lot of time for dinner, is sharing a plate of Chinese food from a food court considered romantic? Regardless it was nice to have little 'getaway' on our own, so thank-you Jamie and Sara for taking our kids, I mean hams.

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