Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sports Camps and more

Last month Aaron and Kyle participated in a few sports camp. The first up was our soccer camp at church. The camp has many aspects to it including soccer skills, games, singing, drama, water fights, face painting and much more. Aaron was quite excited to be in camp this year with his friends and his favourite part was being face painted like a ninja turtle.


Kyle was not officially part of the soccer camp but they had a great nursery program where did did a lot of fun things as well. They were able to be with the 'big kids' during the singing and drama. He thought the singing was too loud so he needed grandma to cover his ears.


He got his face painted like a tiger


The second camp they were in was a ball hockey camp. Aaron and Kyle were in different age groups so they didn't play together but Aidan and Michael were in the camp as well so they were able to play with them. It was their first time playing ball hockey and I think they had fun.


Might need a few pointers before becoming the next Luongo...


After that Kyle went in a T-Ball camp, Aaron didn't participate in this one as he was in T-Ball in the spring. Kyle enjoyed hitting the ball and trying to catch it.


Team huddle

I'm not sure if this was a sport too, (rodeo?), but one day Kyle decided to dress up in cow costume.


Kyle thought colouring himself with purple dots would be a good idea?


I finally received the pictures of Kyle and Aaron mini golfing for the first time. This was in Westbank.


Believe it or not, on one of the holes Kyle got a hole in one, beginners luck?


With his new interest in ice cream watching the ice cream truck drive by can be difficult...


So that were some of Aaron and Kyle`s extra-curricular activities this summer, I think they`ve enjoyed their summer so far! 3 weeks till school starts!

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