Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gettin' buggy!

Pre-warning, no kid pics in this post:-)

I haven't brought out my SLR camera that much lately, but I usually carry around our Canon point and shoot. I`ve had the camera a couple years and I had not used the Digital Macro function on it. While in Westbank last month a grasshopper jumped in the pool and when we fished it out it wouldn`t move, perhaps it was drying out? So I tried out the Digital Macro function on my grasshopper friend.



Then I thought I'd try a crane fly


At home I found a bee that was dead but nicely preserved so I made it pose for me.



A few days ago a dragonfly flew into the trampoline net and when it was freed, it was also quite stunned and wouln't fly away, so bringing out the point and shoot seemed a good idea.




The next morning we found the dragonfly still on the rose as it succumbed to its injuries, hopefully it appreciates being captured in it last moments of life.

Anyway it's been fun trying trying out this function, who knows what I'll come across next?


Island Ma and Pa said...

very interesting Eric ....the one of the dragonfly looks like a cartoon face - eyes looking sideways, black nose, mouth, chin....very cool

Cara said...

Great shots Eric! The dragonfly looks like he has a happy face. Hope to see the pics of Esmée that you took, send me an Email!

Sara & Jamie said...

love that function! i am very jealous!