Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bye Bye Soo

Last night I decided it was time to say good bye to "Soo". Kyle has used this same soother for the past few months and would not use a different one. Needless to say the thing was in pretty bad shape and I was getting a little afraid that it may break apart while he was sucking on it. So at about 7:00 last night I told him he should go put it in the garbage. He did it quite easily and he even said good bye to it ( I prompted him). BUT at 7:30 at bed time the consequences of what he did finally hit him. It all made sense to him now and he let the tears flow. The tears only lasted a few minutes but he was probably up until 9:00 in bed talking away, trying to sooth himself to sleep. I felt a little guilty because it seemed like he thought I had tricked him. BUT this was going to happen at some point soon anyways. So night #1 is finished and our punishment for this is a child that woke up at 6:30 this morning and has been pretty cranky since. Good thing he's going to Grandma's for a while this morning :)


Elizabeth said...

Well, I guess I need to buckle down and do the same with Michael. It sounds like Kyle didn't take it too bad. Thanks for the inspiration!

Island Ma and Pa said...

Good for you guys - the 1st couple of days are tough and then it's like "soo" never existed. For all the days that "soo" comforted is worth the couple of days it takes to take it away... Hope things went better tonite...

Sara & Jamie said...

hey guys!

no more soos hanging around, eh! i am sure he is doing great without it now, eh?? no more soo...big boy bed....WOW! a lot happened to our little nephew in 8 months!!

love the sun-run pix! aaron and shelb looked like they had a great time! can't wait to be a part of it next year!

love this blog! of course it makes us miss our buddies more and more everyday! the countdown is now on! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

big hugs from auntie and unc unc!! :)

Sara & Jamie said...

sorry about the "EH" overload in the first paragraph!