Saturday, September 08, 2007

Spontaneous camping trip

Well we went on our second camping trip after going for the first time with our kids two weeks ago. Around dinner time on Thursday we decided that we would go for one night camping to Hicks Lake with Ray and Ginny and the girls. It might not count as true spontaneity, but we did have less than a day to get ready to go. We left about 2:30pm on Friday and headed to Hicks Lake. Since school is back now, the campsite is on a first come, first serve basis. So with no reservation we headed up there to see what we would find. When we arrived we found the campground about 3/4 full and steadily filling up, we grabbed a site for ourselves and one for the RayGin family.
We set up camp and realized we needed a few things from town. So I headed to Harrison and took a few pictures along the way like this one.


When I got back to camp RayGin had just arrived as well. By the time they arrived there weren't many campsites at all left, so it was good that we grabbed some when we did. I think we kind of crashed their weekend away, but we did help out by getting them a camp site.:-)

Can you see Aaron sneakily crashing the RayGin family party?


Actually we had a fun time camping together, we even reminisced about when we camped last together at Hicks Lake, before kids, about 6 years ago. Things were a little different this time. The kids had a great time though as well and again got the best sleep out of all of us.


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When everyone went to bed Ray and I went to the lake to look at the stars and do some night photography. The stars were amazing with shooting stars every few minutes. I took one 20 minute exposure and then we started playing with an LED light.




On Saturday morning we all went to the lake. It was a nice warm day and the lake was nice and refreshing.




Unfortunately we could only stay the one night as we had other previous commitments on Sunday, but we enjoyed our time nonetheless. It helps now that we are camping-with-kids veterans!:-)

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