Sunday, September 16, 2007

Webb comes to town

On Friday my friend Webb from Houston, TX came to visit for the weekend.
He was kind enough to pick up some fresh tortillas along the way, which we have enjoyed at a few meals since has been here. On Friday night we ended up watching Night at the Museum, which I thought was OK, generally predictable.

On Saturday morning we went to the Country Celebration at Campbell Valley Park. We have been a few times with the kids and they usually enjoy it, so we went again this year.


Aaron and Kyle were able pick a piece of pottery to paint with mom's help , then they glazed, put it in the kiln and we were able to pick it up 2 hours later.


The kids generally had a good time although Kyle was a bit sick. There were different crafts for the kids to do, various entertainers and some games for them play.



Attack of the bubble machine!


Goin' fishin'

A high five from Jerome the Gnome

In the afternoon we headed to White Rock as it was a beautiful afternoon.




On Sunday we went to church in the morning and then after Kyle's brief nap, we went to a few playgrounds, we for a walk in the woods and they were able to check out a geocache nearby as well.



So that was our last official weekend of Summer.
Thanks Webb for visiting us again, it always makes for a memorable time.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You guys are always up to something fun. What great parents you are. We were planning to go to that to but ended up camping instead. Maybe next year.