Friday, October 26, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch Take 2

Well you might be thinking you missed Take 1 of the pumpkin patch story. You haven't missed it, because it hasn't been written yet by Shelby. Last weekend Shelby took the kids to another Pumpkin Patch, but things didn't go so well, perhaps she will tell the story sometime.
So with the weather getting better these past few days, we went out again with the kids to Aldor Acres, where we seem to go every Fall since we have had kids. My parents also came along.
It was a nice day to visit the farm weather-wise and we went in the later afternoon which wasn't too busy there. We toured the farm, pet the animals and went on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch.
Things went better this time and here are a few pictures from our outing.














aldor family pic


Sara & Jamie said...

the second round looked a bit better then the first one sounded! ha ha ha!!!

looked like a great time!! what a georgeous day to have gone!!

Elizabeth said...

Those pics of Kyle with the goat are so cute. What a nice family pic too!

Unknown said...

Great pictures - looks like everybody had a great time, including the goats. Mmm part 1 sounds interesting

Island Ma and Pa said...

Ok Shelb - cough up with part 1 - I'm sure it had some interesting moments!! Great family pic and so cute of the the ones with the animals too!! Happy Halloween.....

Shelbs said...
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Unknown said...

GG & Papa
Nice Family picture. Looks like a beautiful day for it. Did the boys want to take the baby rabbit home for Keisha to play with? I think I know somebody who would have loved to have that rabbit when they were little. Pygmy goats are so cute