Friday, January 11, 2008


So tonight I took the kiddos to McDonald's so affectionately known as "bump bump fries" in our household. Anyways, I didn't see this all happen but I guess as Aaron was sliding down the slide some big kid kicked him from behind. Aaron came down the slide and straight to me crying and telling me about the big kid. I told him that is was probably was an accident (althought I don't really think it was ) but he could say please don't kick me. So Aaron was now on a mission with his posse (Kyle, Lexi and Madi). He was going to find that big kid. I didn't really think much of it because I thought he would just go up to him and say please don't kick me. WELL, I guess it didn't happen like that.
Next thing I know these 2 big kids come down the slide and proceed to tell me that my son called them a baby. AND apparently he punched one of them in the crotch. OOPS. I think where he got him was pure coincidence as these kids were like 10 years old and the kid's crotch was probably at punching height for Aaron. So now I called Aaron down and we had to figure out the situation and he had to apologize. The thing with all of this is that those kids definately were NOT innocent parties in this whole thing and their parents were nowhere in sight but Aaron definately came out looking like a bit of a bully. Gotta laugh though.


Elizabeth said...

That's pretty funny. Where do they come up with these ideas?

Island Ma and Pa said...

I can just see the posse - shoulder to shoulder across the McDonald's play area......LMBO that kid's lucky it wasn't Kyle that nailed him....sounds like he deserved a lot more...but the retaliator always gets caught!

Sara & Jamie said...

AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!! that is WAY too funny!......uh....i mean..... ;)