Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wind and Tide play

Last Saturday Aaron's preschool, Wind and Tide, was part of musical called "All about Art." They have been learning about different artists during the year and a song that goes along with each artist. They practised the actions and learned the words to 3 songs and performed them at the Chandos Pattison theatre in front of family and friends. Some older kids were part of play and the preschool kids songs served as a like a 'choir.' Aaron had lots of support on hand as Auntie Sara, Uncle Jamie and Webb, along with our family and my parents were there to watch him. Aaron also got to stand by his good friend Aidan during the performance who is in the afternoon class at Wind and Tide Uplands.

Auntie Sara made this storyboard of Aaron's performance.

wind and tide frame blk


Here are the kids performing the song Kandinsky, and I must point out the cool teacher they have' Teacher Sarah' dancing on the left. Great job!

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