Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sun Run 2008

So this was Aaron's second time running the mini Sun Run and this time his friend Aidan came along. It was a chilly morning as we had a cold front come through on the wekend. My friend Webb from Houston was in town and Shelby's brother, Jamie was over and we all headed to Vancouver to be there for the 8am mini Sun Run start time.

Here is a video of Shelby and Aaron crossing the finish line

Aaron and Aidan did really well in the 2.5 km run and didn't have to stop, so next time we think Aaron should try a 5km race.


Near the finish line, I think Aaron sees Grandma and is distracted

Aidan and Aaron, running buds

I timed myself to finish under 50min and the timer I had said I did, but my official time was 50:14, still an improvement over last year.


At the finish

Sun Run 2008 family picture

The runners together.

Jason had a great time of just over 40 minutes, which was slightly behind my brother Mark's time of 37 and something minutes. Although the start was a bit chilly once you started you hardly noticed it. All in all it was good to get another Sun Run done, next year is it Kyle's turn??

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