Friday, August 22, 2008

Retiring after 35 years...

After coming home from the Okanagan, we spent one night at home and hooked up the tent trailer to head to Vancouver Island for Garry's(Shelby's dad) retirement camping party. We arrived a bit late as I had to check in briefly at work and our ferry was a bit delayed. Anyway as we arrived they started the presentation for Garry's service in the force. He served with the RCMP for 35 years and was awarded with various achievements. This was his official last day with the RCMP and many co-workers and friends came for this special occasion. With our arriving a bit late and by the time the 'ceremony' was over and we finally set up the tent trailer and had dinner, the kids didn't get to bet till at least 10 o'clock!


The next morning we were treated to a pancake breakfast and we joked with Kyle that the plate with pancakes for everyone was just his. As we started to take the pancakes from the communal plate, Kyle slowlly started to...


burst in to full tears as we were taking his pancakes. He was consoled and seemed to understand that he couldn't eat all the pancakes.


Apparently Auntie is not a fan of this.


A self portrait with her nephews


At night we had quite the fire going, which included a visit from the park host to keep it down, the fire that is not the noise. The 80 year old blue grass band nearby should have received the noise violation!


Here is Kyle being serious...


and not so serious.


Besides all the friends, family and co-workers that showed up, there were also a number of dogs there, at least 8 if not more at times. I don't have pictures of all the dogs that were there, but I did take pictures of dog in our extended family


Kody (Keisha' dad and Shelby's parents dog)


Lacy (Shelby's parents other dog)


and Mr Jack Black (Sara and Jamie's dog)


On Sunday we went out for a fishing trip with Bubba, we took the kids as well as Auntie and Unc Unc.

Kyle took a turn behind the wheel, good thing the motor was off.


The kids were helping Bubba and Unc Unc fishing.



and really driving the boat.


Auntie and Aaron


Garry and Jamie were actually catching a lot of fish, but usually it was rockfish or dogfish, which were just returned back to the ocean, but then Jamie with some help pulled out the 15 pound halibut! Looks like nice eating, if I liked fish!


The boys hanging around a fort that Aaron helped to build out of the driftwood.


Sara and Jamie had to leave Sunday evening and this is Shelby and her mom attempting to put their thermorest away with Shelby's grandma looking on, looks like they were having fun.


Garry and his friend Dennis went for an after supper fishing excursion and as they were coming in a rainbow appeared(although we didn't see any rain) and a nice sunset too.



On Monday morning we packed up and headed home, were fortunate to not have any rain on the weekend. It was good to spend time with family and see as Garry heads into retirement to perhaps another career? Time will tell.

Sara just completed a post about this weekend as well which can be viewed here.

As an FYI, all the pictures in the last 2 posts were taken with our point and shoot camera.

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