Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Trip to Alberta

We've had a busy last couple weeks and I have a few blogs to catch up on in the next little while.

We haven't been in Alberta in 5 years, so this year we decided to visit our friends in Edmonton.
We left for Alberta 2 weeks ago today. On the first day, we drove up to Valemount, BC, which is just past halfway to Edmonton and stayed with our friends Rob and Talitha. Rob was posted there as an RCMP officer. He finished his training in Regina late last year and this is his first term as an officer. He is learning the ropes and shared a few stories from his job so far.
Valemount is a nice area, although a bit remote, and the weather was great. We had a nice time visiting with them and and the kids had fun playing with their 2 year old son Colton.


After breakfast the next morning we headed to Edmonton. With Mt. Robson(the tallest mountain in the Rockies) on the way, we made a stop to check it out. Apparently we were lucky to have a clear view of the mountain as it's often covered by cloud.

Here is Aaron taking a picture of me near the mountain.


...and me taking a picture of the kids.


We arrived in Edmonton just after 5pm, as there was also a 1 hour time difference, to our friends Dave and Heidi's house. It was good to see them again and their 2 daughter's Makenna and Kole again.


For dinner we went to a near-by park where we also met up with our friends Jill and her very soon-to-be-husband Lawrence. They are getting married here in Crescent Beach on the 23rd.


The next day we went to the Alberta Legislature affectionately known as 'the Ledge' or is it 'Leg' or 'Lej'? There are a lot of wading pools around the 'Lej' and with the typical hot days Edmonton has all year round it was a nice way to cool off. Here I am trying to get Kyle to pretend to touch the top of the building, he almost made it or I needed to go a little lower with my camera.



Here are the sexy moms at pool side( I think I needed a little fill flash, but oh well)


The next day we found another wading pool, which seems to be common in Edmonton, I don't think I have seen them in BC. Here are Aaron and Kyle borrowing Makenna and Kole's water guns trying to look tough. The boys didn't like when kids would like to get them wet when they were trying to get the other kids wet.


The kids got along great and we really enjoyed our time together. In this picture is also a friend of Makenna's on the far right, but I can't remember her name at this point.


We spent 3 nights in Edmonton and had a great time catching up(and some good laughs too) with Dave and Heidi and the girls. We had fun going swimming, and hanging out. I kept in shape with Dave as we went for a run, a workout and a bike ride, we also found some geocaches too. Shelby and Heidi went out for a shopping excursion one day as we took turns looking after the kids.
We had great weather in sunny and warm Edmonton and glad we made the trek.

Then we drove from Edmonton to Westbank in one day and the story will continue in the next post...

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