Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Beginnings Part 2

Last week Kyle had his first day of pre-school at Wind and Tide for 3 year olds. He is in the same class as his friend Michael and also knows a few other kids as well. Kyle had a gradual entry to pre-school. Once they are in full swing Shelby will have 2 free mornings to herself.



Last Wedenesday Aaron had his first soccer practise, then on Saturday had his first game already! Needless to say, Aaron and most of the other kids are still trying to figure out the rules of soccer. Making sure they shoot the right way is quite important. I think even the obect of the game, to score a goal on the other team, Aaron is just figuring out. Anyway it was kind of amusing to watch. Soon they'll get the hang of it. Here are a few pictures from Aaron's first soccer game.






Elizabeth said...

The picture of Kyle and his big smile made me laugh. So cute. Aaron looks so handsome and grown up in his soccer uniform.

Sara & Jamie said...

i was going to say the same thing about kyle's pic!!! look at how excited he looks!! i love it!!! and aaron...wow...he looks so mature! we cannot wait to check out one of his games :-)