Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Westbank with D&E

Last Tuesday, Shelby went up with the kids to Westbank. I came up with our friends Dave and Estelle on Thursday for 2 nights. The weather was mixed, but we were still able to enjoy the pool and the boat.

On Friday we went out with the boat for a couple of hours. Most of us got to try the Big Mabel again. Dave and I took a turn together and I think Shelby tried pretty hard to flip us but we hung on!

Here are a few pictures from our boat ride






Back at the house we spent quite a bit of time at the pool and using the colour accent feature of our camera. These next 2 pictures were taken by Estelle.



We also used the WP-500 in the pool, to help accentuate Dave's husky body.

When you travel with friends you often learn new things about them and I learned that when Dave plugs his nose underwater, he can make bubbles come out of his eyes! How does one figure that out? Maybe I have that hidden talent too or you out there?


On Friday afternoon Dave's brother and his family came to visit. They have girls, the same age as our boys, so they got along pretty well. They played in the pool and then we went up to Mission Hill. Dave's brother, his wife and Estelle took a tour, while Uncle Dave looked after the oldest girls as they hung out with boys running around, playing hide and seek and checking out the wishing well.



When we got back to our house we were greeted to a nice full rainbow. I could have done a better job stitching the panoramic shot of the rainbow, but i think you get the idea.


On our last night we played monopoly and I had fun, maybe it's because I won too:-)

Anyway it was good to hang out with Dave and Estelle in the 'tropics' again and a nice way to end the summer break.


Cheryl said...

LOVE the rainbow shot! I love the lighting on the house. Looks like you guys are having a super fun summer with Big Mabel - not gonna lie, I am kinda jealous!

Eric said...

Thanks for the comment, not gonna lie, I do like comments!:-)

Estelle said...

I figured out i can blow air out my eye holes when i was in my teens. we have a pool in our back yard and when you have a pool you try all kinds of crazy things. oh, this is david. estelle high-jacked my google account. :(

Sara & Jamie said...

i cannot believe we never got a chance to get up there this year! this summer went way too fast!!! fun underwater shots and i love how aaron is still sporting his "do"!!

Estelle said...

We made it to the S Church Blog!!! Thanks for allowing us to share your vacation time with us. We had so much fun.