Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Puerto Vallarta

On Sunday afternoon, the day after the wedding, Mike, Viva, Shelby and I went on a short flight to Puerto Vallarta, after having brunch with the family. When we were in Guadalajara the weather was nice in the upper 20's with low humidity, once the got off the plane in Puerto Vallarta it was in the 30's with high humidity!


We stayed at the same hotel we have stayed in the past.



Once we arrived and got checked in, we all hit the pool and made our way to the pool bar. Mike and Viva were staying the week, but Shelby and I had 2 and a half days to spend in Vallarta. We spent a lot of time cooling off in the pool.




We took a couple trips into town to walk along the boardwalk(Malecon) and to see the various markets around.


Can you spot the tourist?


We watched some kids in the market have a birthday party with a pinata.


A few morings after our room was cleaned we would find these creatures left in our room.


These next 2 pictures fall into the attempts a creative shot.



We had a great vacation although it went by quickly. It was nice to have a kid-free vacation and we had a good time with Mike and Viva there. On our way back home we had a 3 hour lay over in LA so we decided to call the kids, it was the first time we called them on our trip. Seems we were interrupting their playtime with Aidan and Michael, so it was a quick call! Basically we weren't missed, I'll take that as a good thing!:-)

In the market in Guadalajara we found a Spiderman and Batman costumes for Kyle and Aaron, they seemed quite happy with them.




Sara & Jamie said...

those are awesome!! i like the view from your room down at the pool! fun costumes too!!!!

Shelbs said...

That wasn't our view. We actually had a view of the taxi call hut at the front entrance :)
He went on top of the time share tower. You get a great view from up there.

Elizabeth said...

Look like so much fun. So many great pictures.

Cheryl said...

ummm that shot of Shelby in the pool is fantastic!!!!!!! Looks like you had a great time-is there room in your bag for me next time?