Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

On Saturday we headed to the Cranberry Festival in Fort Langley. The festival is getting quite big as I remember years ago it being quite small. The weather was great, which brought a lot of people to the festival. The boys wanted to get their faces painted and they both wanted to be Spiderman! We tried to convince someone to be something different as to avoid twin Spidermans, but they were not to be dissuaded! So here they are and they received a lot of atttention because of it. Aaron didn't really know what to do with the attention from strangers, but what was he expecting?



Here are the Spiderboys trying out the fire hose.



Trying to look mean...


After the carnival we went to a pumpkin patch from people from our church, the pictures at the pumkin patch look a little different this year with their faces painted.




On Sunday afternoon we headed to Victoria as foot passengers to Mark and Sylvie's place for Thanksgiving. We were lucky to find a parking spot as it was very busy. It was a beautiful afternoon, so the boys and I hung out on the ferry deck for a while and took a few pictures.






Dinner was really good, but this dish caught my eye. It's a lemon jelly salad, something I'd never had before, besides the olives it tasted pretty good.


Luckily we had finished cooking when the power went out, as all of Southern Vancouver Island's power went out between 5-7pm, great timing for all the rest of the turkeys in the ovens. So we had dinner by candlelight.


Mark and Sylvie had both their sides of their family's together for Thanksgiving. We stayed overnight and my parents did as well and headed back on the ferry in the morning. Thanks to Mark and Sylive for hosting and cooking for us, it was great. Also to Mark for picking us up and dropping us back to the ferry.


It was a nice weekend overall, and we also have to thank Jamie and Sara for taking Keisha overnight while we were in Victoria.

We have much to be thankful for and feel very blessed.

It's good to know I have at least 4 readers to this blog, the next challenge is for a guy to comment on our blog! Do guys read blogs about families?


Cheryl said...

I love the spidey faces! Can't believe you had such nice weather for the cranberry festival. I remember last year it was nasty rain!!!!

I'm not too sure about that salad - looks more like a dessert gone bad - although if you say it was okay I will take your word for it.

As for the man readers, I am looking to make some extra cash while on maternity benefits, for a small fee I can have Pascal leave you a comment ;-).

Also, Pascal wants to know how flogging molly was, they are one of his favorite bands.

Elizabeth said...

I love the faces and cute pics on the ferry!

rachel joy said...

The close-ups of the boys on the ferry are excellent!

Sara & Jamie said...

those are super super cute!!! i love the firehose one and aaron's mean face!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great work!!

ps - how do you know rachel?? if it is the same rachel i know..i worked at swiss with her back in da day!

Sara & Jamie said...

nevermind...different rachel!!

Estelle said...

does it count that Dave often reads your blog over my shoulder?

Island Ma and Pa said...

I love the spidey faces and awesome pics of the we know - the best dinners are by candlelight...great company - great weather - great pics...