Thursday, November 27, 2008

Keira and Keisha

Last Friday morning while Shelby and Elizabeth were on their way to Seattle, I had the opportunity to look after Keira and Michael, while Jason went to the dentist(Aidan was at school). Keira seems quite fascinated by Keisha, but I am not sure if the feeling is mutual. I'd say Keisha is tolerant of her.






Come on Keisha, a cute little 2 year old girl wants to play with you!


Elizabeth said...

She is absolutely adorable--okay, Keisha, too!

rachel joy said...

so cute! The second last one is my fave.

Cheryl said...

OMG - I LOVE THEM That shot by the window is gorgeous, love the conversion too, you must share your trick!

Sara & Jamie said...

awww keishy!! what an adorable little girl!!!! great work! it is nice to see you playing with different styles :-)