Saturday, November 01, 2008

Last week of October

Each day last week could have probably had an individual blog post to it, but who has time for that? So here is a condensed version of the past week, although it makes for one fairly long post!

Saturday the 25th

Last Saturday Aaron had his soccer game in the morning and we all came out to watch. The highlight was when Aaron scored his first goal, way to go Aaron!



Later in the afternoon while Kyle was napping Aaron and I went out for a walk. I thought it would be a good chance to take pictures as the fall colours peaked and the weather was nice as well. Aaron was unusually co-operative in getting his picture taken, maybe it was because we were gone for a week, who knows?




Sunday the 26th

On Sunday afternoon our church held it's annual Fall carnival and the theme was western. The kids have different stations to try like 'Go Fish', 'Cookie Walk' , 'Bobbing for apples', 'Pumpkin Ring Toss' (our group help out at that station) and many others. The kids wanted to get their faces painted again. They enjoyed the evening and received a lot of candy along the way.




Flickr has an edit option to make faces zombie-like, seemed to work in this photo.



Monday the 27th

After work I played outside with the kids as it was another beautiful day, not too many pictures but it did give Kyle a chance to ham it up for the camera.


Tuesday the 28th

Ginny was out of town and Ray had to coach volleyball, so we had Madi and Lexi for a few hours in the evening. The kids quickly found the paraphenalia we brought back from Mexico and played rock band. Whenever Madi and Lexi come over it's like energy doubles, but they all get along pretty well, so they had fun!




Wednesday the 29th

While I was at work, Shelby and the kids carved the pumpkins. They gave direction on what the faces on the pumpkins should look like, they both wanted scary pumpkins.




Here they are posing with their pumpkins



Thursday the 30th

For Kyle's pre-school class, the last day of the month that he has school, it's party day. it's a chance for parents to see what the kids have been learning mostly through song. This month was also a chance for all the kids to dress up. They looked pretty cute with all their costumes. I tried to get all the kids in one photo.

oct08-party day

Friday the 31st

The kids have been waiting for Halloween for a while and it finally arrived! Aaron was able to dress up for school, then later as we went out trick or treating. Before we went out I took some pictures of the kids. Kyle was so cute as a bumble bee, he was a nice bumble bee, he said.




Aaron was the pit crew for Lightning McQueen and wanted to look cool with his hat facing backwards.


The brothers...



So it came time for us to light the pumpkins, the middle one was the one I carved, although Shelby found the idea.


We first went to visit Uncle Mike and Auntie Viva's house and then stopped by Aidan and Michael's house, then we went around our blocks for bit over an hour. The weather was great, no rain and pretty mild. The kids had fun going to all the houses and the people liked their costumes. Once they couldn't carry their bags anymore, I figured it was time to head home.


Once we were home the kids checked out all their candy they got and it was a lot!


Ironically Kyle doesn't even like chocolate, so here he is eating the apple Uncle Mike gave him.
Keisha was also interested the loot they brought home.


So it's been a good week and today as we start November I didn't take any pictures, but I am sure more will come soon.


Sara & Jamie said...

fun fun fun!! great shots! i love the zombie effect AND the kids awesome costumes! make sure to ask them to save auntie some of their candy :)

Elizabeth said...

You have such adorable kids that I don't even know which ones to comment on. I do especially love those few of Aaron. What a fun week with your kids!

Island Ma and Pa said...

great pics...looks like so much fun with Haloween and what an awesome bunch of rockers! Kyle went trick or treating for Mommy and Daddy candy - what a great son... they look so cute and I love Aaron's pic on the fence...way to go on the goal Aaron!!