Monday, November 10, 2008

Me and the boys

This past weekend Shelby was away on the Island for a retreat with some youth from our church, so it was me and the boys for the weekend.

On Saturday morning Aidan and Michael came over. We had pancakes and then the boys played together. We don't have a lot of costumes in our house, but the ones we have the boys found and played dress up. They took turns trying different costumes. Here is Michael as Spiderman.


All the boys together



Seems after a while they get a little stir crazy in the house, but it was raining pretty hard outside, so I wasn't that keen on going out. After a while I bit the bullet and got all the boys dressed for the rain and we went out for a walk. They had fun puddle jumping and running around in the forest and on the artificial field in the park nearby. I had to empty Kyle and Michael boots out as they were full of water!

With flash
Without flash

In the afternoon we went to see the movie Madagascar 2. We met up with Ray, Madi and Lexi. It was Kyle's first time in the theatre as well as Madi and Lexi's. The kids behaved quite well during the movie, but I can't really say the same for the kid behind me! The kids enjoyed the movie and I'd give it 3 out 5. Later we had dinner at Ray and Ginny's house and hung out there for a while.

My picture taking was quite minimal this weekend, so even though I don't have many pictures we had a good weekend together, and in 2 weekends I get to do it all over again.


Shelbs said...

I love the dress up pics. Very funny! You are a brave hubby.

Unknown said...

GG & Papa

We like the pictures of the 4 together in the rain.
We enjoy all the pictures and look forward to more.

Island Ma and Pa said...

cute pics of the masked mascaraders...but I ditto Shelby - you are very brave man to take on 4little men on a rainy day!@!

Elizabeth said...

The boys loved their day with you and I can see why! You're good at making memories. The dress up pics are pretty funny. What on earth is Aidan doing?!