Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend at Hemlock

It's been over a year since we have been to our cabin at Hemlock, so we went as a family this past weekend. On Saturday it snowed ALL DAY! The boys and I went out to play in the snow, sledding down the road and finding 'cliffs' to throw the kids down into the powder. OK well they weren't really cliffs just steep embankments, but the boys called them cliffs...just boys having fun:-)

Here is Kyle before we went outside

Here are a few shots of the boys in the snow, well mostly Kyle...



Later on Saturday we played a few games like charades and Uno. Both the boys really like to play Uno now. Here is Kyle playing dominoes with googles on. I am not sure why he thought that would be a good idea.


On Sunday morning we awoke to sunshine and Aaron and I went skiing. Aaron is really starting to be able to ski on his own which is cool to see. I took some video of Aaron skiing so I should upload that soon. It was a nice weekend to get away with the family as it's Shelby's last full weekend before she heads off on her trip.


Cheryl said...

FUN FUN FUN - I think he was wearing the googles to hide his poker face LOLOL.

Sara & Jamie said...

awesome! thank goodness kyle likes to get his pic taken :-) him with the googles reminds me of a pic i have with brandon...he always wore goggles too at that age!

Island Ma and Pa said...

LMBO - what a pair of's nice when you still have one young enough to still be photo clown ....Kyle's ears will never be the same....that snow looked awesome