Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It's been a few weeks since I've blogged last. I spent a lot of my free time finishing up the 2008 DVD of the kids which I am glad is finally done! Shelby had a good trip to China and now life is back to a more normal routine. April is not over yet, but here is a recap so far.

On April 4th Kyle had his 'golden' or 'star' birthday as it is called when you turn the same age as the date of your birthday. This was basically the first real warm day we had this year. We went with Jason and his kids to the Serpentine Nature area for a walk. It was a great day for a walk and we walked between 3-4km. Kyle almost made it the whole way, I just had to carry him a little bit.


Stopping for a snack


Checking our co-ordinates


After we stopped by the Art Knapps nearby, our boys quite like the place because of all the train-related things. Jason's kids hadn't been there so we went on the train ride with them.


Checking out the mini steam train


After we went to White Spot for Kyle's birthday with all 5 kids and they enjoyed the pirate packs all around.

A couple days later, which was the day before Shelby came home, I took the boys to work with me for a while. Once they got bored of that I took them to Mud Bay nearby for a bike ride. Kyle got a bigger bike for his birthday and so he wanted to test it out.


Taking a break


Keisha waiting


Hiding in the trees


Hanging out

The following weekend was Easter weekend, here is Kyle colouring the Easter eggs.


For our family Easter dinner we also had a family birthday party for Kyle now that Shelby was home.


The boys were spoiled this year as they got a trampoline from my parents. They have been enjoying it and the the fact that the weather has been warm outside has given them a chance to play on it a lot. We haven't got any great pictures of the boys on the trampoline yet, but I figure there will be lots of time for that in the coming months.



Last Sunday Aaron and Shelby ran the mini Sun Run. Kyle watched again this year but we figure he is due to do it next year.


Aaron ran the whole 2.5 km and complained that mom(Shelby) had given up, but she really only had to tie her shoe, three times! They both did well.


Aaron has also been busy as T-Ball has started up again and he is also taking his second set of skating lessons. Kyle has been learning to ride his new bike and being more active in general. Aaron and Kyle both recieved quite a few Transformers for their birthday which they have been playing a lot with as well.

So that's the general recap of April so far, it's nice to see the warmer weather here and also to see the Canucks make it to the second round of the playoffs!

I'm also happy summer is coming soon!


Elizabeth said...

Great job on the sun run! You guys are always up to something fun. Enjoyed all the pictures.

Sara & Jamie said...

SAHHHWWWEEEEETT!!! i cannot wait to play on the trampoline!!!
good job on the sun run guys!!!!!