Thursday, August 06, 2009

Family Visits

It's been a while since I have blogged. A few weeks ago now we went to Westbank for the weekend to celebrate my dad's 64th birthday. I don't have a lot of pictures from that weekend and I am waiting for a few more from Mark.

Mike bought a motorized floating chair which the boys liked driving around too.


We went out on the boat where Aaron went tubing with my dad. Kyle and I also went out too.


We had a picnic across the lake and on the way back Mike went wakeboarding.



That night we went for dinner at a Mexican restaurant and went mini golfing afterwards. It was Kyle and Aaron's first time mini golfing and they enjoyed it a lot. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I took a few pics with my brothers camera. Hopefully I can get them soon.
The next day Sunday we returned home.

On the following Friday, the BC Day weekend we headed to Shelby's parents in Sayward. They moved there at the end of 2008 from Courtenay back to Sayward where they live 5 years ago. They are in a different house now and this was our first time visiting their new house which is almost completed the renovation to add some extra rooms.

Here are the boys on the ferry


On our way up we stopped at Parksville to check out the beach and playground nearby.



Kyle at the playground.


We also stopped at Coombs. Kyle has in the past not liked ice cream, well now he likes only vanilla ice cream. He eats it slowly and on hot days it tends to melt all over him!


This is Shelby's parents house in Sayward. Also visiting was Shelby's grandpa Herb.


Nearby their house is Salmon River. The first time we went to the river we took the long way and drove to the opposite and drove basically through the bushes to find it! After that I just got permission from the neighbour to walk through their yard to get to the river, it was refreshing on a warm day.


The neighbours grand daughter was on the beach and seemed to like Aaron, but Aaron wasn't too thrilled!

Shelby's dad gave the boys some work gloves so they could help out too.


The helped out a bit, but mostly went along for the ride.


I helped out a bit on the woodshed Shelby's dad and grandpa were building. I was mostly used for my height when grandpa couldn't reach things.


I did practice my juggling, but I still need to improve a lot.


Nearby were some blueberry bushes which we raided, I don't think there were any ripe ones left after we all searched for them.


There was a little barn and I thought I could get the boys to stand there nicely and this is what I got...


They somehow just can't make normal faces anymore!


We were hoping to get on the boat to go fishing but the wind out on the water was too much. Here are the boys and their grandparents at the boat launch.


A jellyfish was spotted in the water so we scooped it out to take a closer look.


Since it was windy we thought we should fly a kite. This picture may look like we were flying well, but actually the kite had troubles staying up and finally we gave up.


Whenever Kyle had food he was popular with the dogs.


I didn't really get a good picture of the boys with their great grandpa, plus they are still making weird faces!


So that's bit of a summary of our recent family visits, it was good visit with those that we hadn't seen in a while. Coming up for us this weekend is our first camping trip this to Allouette lake.


Sara & Jamie said...

those are fun pix!! the boys and their faces...hahahahahhaaha!
i LOVE LOVE LOVE the one of grandpa at the end!!

Island Ma and Pa said...

great pics Eric....especially the one of Grt.Grampa...nice keepsake