Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Boys camping weekend II

Seems to be becoming a trend to camp the weekend after Labour Day. The last few years the weather had been excellent. Last year we had our first boys camping weekend. So we thought we would try it again with Jason and his boys. Actually our plans changed about 4 times but we eventually settled on an overnight camp at Rolley Lake near Mission. Here is the lake.


Since the weather was quite warm swimming was a nice option. The water was refreshing.




After having a campfire ban most of the summer it was nice to have it lifted to roast wieners and marshmallows! I mean isn't that what camping is about?


The boys having a balanced dinner, not sure what Aaron's problem is?


As dusk was approaching we went out for a couple geocaches and made it back to camp while there was just a bit of light left.


We ended the night stoking up the fire and roasting marshmallows and then all six of us ended slepping in one tent.

The next day after breakfast we went for a walk around the lake.


The highlight of the walk was when Aidan spotted a snake.


We watched the snake for a while, but it was clearly scared.


After the walk we went for another swim and the kids also played in the playground. The theme for the weekend for the boys was Transformers as they took turns being different characters in Transformers and usually arguing over who was who. We capped off our time at McDonald's and I think they all had a good time camping together! Next year again?

1 comment:

Sara & Jamie said...

cheryl will FREAK if she sees this post!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk!!!