Tuesday, September 15, 2009


After missing the PNE last year, we decided to return this year with the Sawatsky's on the last Friday of the exhibition. We had planned to go a few weeks in advance and were unsure of how the weather would be, fortunately it was a beautiful day, contrary to what was predicted earlier in the week.

The biggest attraction of course for the kids are the rides, which they did quite a few of.




The Doodlebops did a concert that day and we decided to take the kids to see it. There were a lot of parents, toddlers, strollers etc and was quite crowded. As we were making our way through the crowd a mom thought I was going to stop and watch the show right in front of her after she had been waiting 2 hours! She became quite accusatory and started to yell and get physical with me, even saying i stepped on her child, I thought I was at some hard core rock show! Eventually I made my way to where I was headed and avoided the all out brawl at the Doodlebops! Who knew orange, pink and blue haired people were worth fighting for??



We cut the Doodlebops a little short in order to check out the Superdogs, a PNE tradition!


After we had dinner, checked out the exposition hall and then more rides!


For the Scrambler ride(not sure if that is the right name or not), it required an adult to ride with kids under 4 feet, so I reluctantly went on the ride with Kyle as Shelby went on with Madi and Aaron. I was OK for a while on the ride but near the end I got quite light-headed, but it was fun!



Aaron on the swings


The kids each got to pick out one toy they wanted. Kyle picked an inflatable hammer and Aaron picked out a lightsabre


The main concert the night was the Gipsy Kings which at least the adults wanted to check out. By the time we got there it was so packed that you could barely see the stage. At least we could hear it. We stayed for about half the show and then headed over to wait for the night show.
As we were waiting for the night show to begin I had a few minutes to go a take some 'night shots' Here are a few rides I experimented with.




I have to mention that Glen was with us, he was a real trooper for putting up with us and our kids. It was a long day and we finally made it home at midnight quite exhausted! I think we all had a pretty fun day though!

For a long time Shelby has wanted a nose ring and one day she spontaneously got one at the mall. She had been careful to try to keep it clean and not get any infections. She only had the nose ring for a couple of weeks but it slowly become a pain to not get infected and she finally took it out for good. So as a memory to her short lived nose ring, here she is a the PNE.



Island Ma and Pa said...

another great post Eric - you ole meany - haven't you learned yet to stay away from cranky Moms!! You guys had quite the packed day....Shelb - the stud looked good - too bad about having to take it out..and Gramma loves the rides - I could go anytime!!

Sara & Jamie said...

love the night shots!
SHE TOOK IT OUT??!?!!?!? awww man!